Thursday, July 9, 2009

On and International Level

Is sarcasm and international thing or is it something only Americans get?

This whole concept of others not understanding sarcasm has really shook my perspective. Knowing that not everyone understands the concept has got me worrying now about how i will be percieved by others once i'm out of high school. I thought those days were over. Man.

Anyways, my whole trail of thought leading up to this though had to do with meeting Kaitlynn's french student Alice. She seems very nice, but she's also quite reserved. I guess it's understandable though. She is in a strange country and I guess we speak English much more quickly than what she was accustomed to back at home. I'm worried that she finds me strange and bizarre. I'm scared to use humor around her. I find myself feeling uncertain about whether or not she'll understand any of my comments. I drove her and Kaitlynn to zville Wednesday where we walked around and looked at some of the shops and hit up the park. I was worried she would find our lives here boring. I asked her what she liked to do in her spare time and she told me she likes to play tennis, go to the cinema, and visit friends. I started thinking about what I do in my spare time and realized that most of it i dedicate to going to the homes of various friends where we gorge ourselves on food and chatter. Other than that though I seem to spend the majority of my time doing independent activities like painting. Because I'm too cheap to spend money doing other things. I'm perfectly content with that yet it's made me feel very uninteresting. I feel dumb for worrying so much about this. I'm hoping I'll make a good impression though by the end of Alice's three week stay. Kaitlynn and her seem to be depending on me to drive them around during her visit which is fine with me. I need to get off my lazy ass, by which I mean I should probably be more social so that by the time school starts I'll remember how to socially interact with others.

I can't believe you're halfway across the globe. I'm incredibly envious by the way, just in case this fact hasn't sunken in yet. Germany is about 6 hours ahead of our time correct? So that would make it about 6 in the morning where you are now. I think? You're probably still asleep. I hope you have a wonderful day when you wake up. What am I saying? I mean that, it just sounds so....well lame, cheesy, pick your adjective.

This mindless blabber. My mind has ceased to work. Well not entirely true. I still have probing questions about the universe. It just seems to have lessened.

Have you looked up telekinesis yet? I finally heard the whole album and i love it. I've been listening to it on repeat all week whenever I take the car out for a spin. I love music. I can't imagine what my life would be like without it. I saw this interview on the daily show the other week where John Stewart was interveiwing a guy who did some sort of study on the subject. apparently music is very much ingrained in the human existance.

Why do I ask stupid questions?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Anywhere but Here

You are so lucky Sara. Just so you know I'm incredibly envious that you get to visit Germany. Whenever my dad is a around and decides to watch tv he always watches the shows on the travel channel, especially the ones about Europe. So basically I've spent the past week or so just watching numerous programs that explore various European countries which has not done a thing to help my reminiscing over last summer's vacation. Home just sounds so dull in contrast. I'm tired of flat cornfields. I want hilly landscapes with patches of forest and twisting labyrinths of city streets. I miss everything about Estonia so much. I don't know where this sudden longing for escape has come from, but it's incredibly inviting to contemplate.

I think I sound like a real dork when I talk. Or even write for the matter. Do I always come off sounding this lame in conversation?

Today I spent my time exercising and then cleaning up some around the house. I'm sure your adventures overseas were much more exciting. I can't believe you're going to be gone for almost a month though. I'm going to miss you. Really, my life's been uneventful for the most part so far. But I guess it could be worse. Sometimes nothingness is better than catastrophe.