Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I want to walk around with You

I love walking. Sometimes I feel like I could just keep on walking forever and I'd be perfectly content with that. There's just something so soothing about it. Walking with you is nice. I love our conversations. I hope I don't creep you out with my endless questions. But somehow, I don't think that's possible. Silence is nice too sometimes. It's a comfort not feeling obligated to say anything when there is nothing on my mind worth noting. I hope this doesn't make us boring. No, just comfortable. At ease.

I'm contemplating sneaking out. One night. Just one, this summer. I've realized my life seems so dull and uneventful. I rarely take risks or do anything much that is adventurous. Always keep to myself, calm and quiet. But I need to do something. I am capable of taking care of myself. Of course, it wouldn't be anything crazy. I think more than anything I'd just like to climb out the window and go for a walk in the middle of the night. Breath in the crisp summer night air. When it's quiet and peaceful. Just me. Or maybe I'll invite you. You're more than welcome to come. I just have to figure out an escape plan, or more I'd have to test it out. Prepare.

I want to make this summer memorable. I'm in the prime of my youth. Opportunity is abound. Isn't this the time where we're suppose to make the most of life? While we're young and mobile. Responsible, yet free from responsibility? I want to make amends for my dull habits of sitting at home and studying every Friday and Saturday night for the past year. For all the stress and confinement. I need a little excitement. I want to be happy. I want to smile and laugh. I want to feel good and wonderful all the time. While its summer summer summer, and there's sunsunsun. So much funfunfun. AHHHHHH! too much. maybe? You know that bubbly feeling you get though, where you just feel so joyous and content and you're actually living IN the moment for once. And your attention is wholly focused on the present? and you can't stop smiling because everything is just so wonderful and perfect at the exact point in time? That's what I want. I want to feel that. I want to go on adventures. Let's be spontaneous. We are rulers of the world! Fearless explorers. Just don't less this precious time slip by.

Do you feel it? This need to do something extraordinary? Memorable? I want to remember. I always forget my summers. One day always seems to fade into the next. But not this time, I hope.

I want to start taking more film photographs. Just so I can remember it all. Years down the road, I want to be able to pull out my box of photographs and pull out all the little memories and reminisce. To be able to pull back the past and bring it back to life. In a way. Just so I won't forget. The people, places, adventures, all the things I've done and seen will be right there, preserved in a pretty little picture.