Monday, February 4, 2008

musical moods

I sometimes wish that Ben Gibbard lived in my basement and that he would play beautiful compostions on his guitar accompanied with the soothing sound of his lyrics and that they would float up through the vents and fill my house with their heavenly sound. That would be amazing. I could be up reading late into the night when I'd randomly hear that beautiful music playing in the backround soothing me to sleep.

Speaking of my basement though, I am considering the possibility that our old tv down there may possibly be possessed. Not quite certain whether to take that assumption as solid fact or fiction but i had the oddest experience this afternoon. So when I got home from school I decided to run on the treadmill down there while watching malcolm in the middle, and suddenly the screen just turns to static and all I can hear is white noise. I then try turning the channel and then try to turn it off, but the TV wouldn't. I couldn't even shut the power off on it so I pretty much had to completely unplugg it and then plug it back in. It worked for a while before doing the exact same thing happened again. It also did this thing where random numbers just started randomly changing in the corner where the number of the channel satition should be but i wasn't even holding a remote. So freaky! It's unplugged now though so hopefully it hasn't found a way to turn itself on, which according to my parents that tv use to randomly turn itself on in the middle of the night. Super creepy. My only explaination for these odd occurancies is that it's a pretty old tv, actually I think it may have been my great grandmother's tv or something like that.

Our poor blog has fallen out of use temporarily. It is quite sad. I suppose we are just really lazy. Or just have lives with better things to do in our spare time, haha.

So I was talking to Auds in ceramics, she told me about you're whole "So how long have you and Abby been going out?" conversation, and we think that we should have another homeroom party soon because we haven't had one in quite a while and they always make my day ten times better. I mean, how can good food and a party not put you in a good mood? I'm thinking next week or possibly this week if we can figure something out because we need something to look forward too(not that I don't love school already or anything, but it would be like the frosting on the cake, you know? wait, you don't like frosting, so uh maybe ignor that analogy...)


audreyandabby said...

Ben Gibbard, love for life. I think I may be at school (hoping) Thursday or (definitley) Friday, so homeroom party Friday?

audreyandabby said...

Oh, homeroom. Party it up!
And I do not appreciate the comment made about having better things to do with your lives. Is this implying that Abby and I have no hobbies? Because, let me tell you, I am some knitter. And you should see that girl crochet! Well, I was just kidding, but if it will make us seem less lifeless, I might take it up.