Sunday, March 15, 2009

"I Want to Draw You a Floorplan of My Head & Heart"

...Sara, I love how you always call me whenever you get lost. I wish there were a way for me to pop into your car magically whenever you needed me. Sadly I am not blessed with such an ability so I settle for offering directions, via the internet/phone connection. Even though I'm not much of a help, I'm still very touched that you would call me. I'm glad you made it back home. My life just wouldn't be the same without you Swan.

I'm here whenever you need me no matter what. I'm glad your okay. I'm sorry I'm so repetitive..."repeat, repeat, repeat, the words I know we both said..." You've got me in a real Tegan & Sara phase. Coffee and cramming sounds good to me. I though about working on my reading logs tonight, but now I don't really feel like it. Chances are I'll probably just end up watching United States of Tara instead.

Wolfy was good. The rest of the concert/art show was enjoyable. Did I tell you my parents showed up for the last few songs by Wolfy? They actually liked them too which was interesting. I'm always worried about what they think about my musical tastes. I feel I shouldn't be though, yet I can't help it.

I ended up renting the "Duchess" with Keira Knightly and going over to Kaitlynn's to watch it. It was kind of sad. She had such a horrible life. But the imagery was quite beautiful, so that was a plus. It was so nice seeing Kaitlynn again. Just chilling out at her house and lazing around on her couch was comfortable. I think we spent more time talking and catching up then we did watching the movie which was fine with me. By the way, I have some crazy pike gossip for you tomorrow. Her new dog is NOT naked!! But, while it's seeminly normal and not naked it turns out that it is still freakish as it has a sixth toe on one of it's paws. I'm pretty positive that Kaitlynn is destined for mutant freak dogs. That sounds cruel, I'm sorry. I just find it amusing.

I hope the IMA calls soon. I really want this job. I think I'll be crushed if I don't get it. It just sounds like the coolest job ever and I'm so excited about it. Plus, I could use some cash. Still, it's not all about the money. I can really see myself getting into it and enjoying the whole film making experience.

My sentences sound so simplistic. I+verb+direct objet. Repeat.

I only have a few photo's left in my SLR to take. I'm really looking forward to developing the film. I figure that either it will be really bad, or decent but the skill will be underdeveloped and immature. Or perhaps it will actually be somewhat well crafted. It will be a surprise, which is fine with me. I think I like surprises, usually. Sometimes they can leave you gasping for breath and immobilized, but more often then not they seem to be more pleasent then that. I'm hoping the film when I get it back will be the latter of the two, although I doubt a bad roll of film would really leave me in an emotional funk, haha, oh my that could be concerning.

I'm looking forward to a good discussion. Till then I bid you bon soir!
-Agent Soul-Eater

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I know what you mean about colleges. but eh, it'll happen. Somehow, I just trust in serendipidity.
I was super confused for about an hour and a half today (not just because I was lost in the country). I still am, but I kind of content with it. It's an emotional confusion I haven't felt in awhile, if ever, and I'm kind of welcoming the novelty of it. That, or my brain couldn't handle it, so it just couch-potatoed it. A couple of things made me adore those moments of biting-lip unsurety:(sp?)

-Seeing this glorious sunset, with the tiny cityscape in the background. I really like driving when the sun is setting, even when you're driving into it and completely blind, it just makes everything look very fairlandesque
-Getting lost in cornfields. After awhile, I just turned wherever I felt like and blasted music. It was pretty cathartic, kind of a reflection of what my mind was doing at that moment.
-Talking to you on the phone, and you offering to look up directions for me, like my own personal spy team computer techie. You got my back Agent (what was you agent name again?)
-Imagining a soul-spilling session with La Trois, which is very much needed, btw. (With quesadillas? yes.)
-Coming home, and my sister and her new boyfriend being here. I'm getting along with her so well these days, and I love it. Her boyfriend was friendly too. He has the biggest biceps I have ever seen up-close.

Then again, it might be the wine my dad poured me when I got home ("You need to get ready for Italy!") that is making everything seem wonderful. Disclaimer: I only had half a glass, so this is unlikely.

I'm seeing you tomorrow. Coffee and cramming.