Friday, May 23, 2008

Hello Old Blog

Man, it has been so long since i wrote on this blog. Remember the begining of this blog trend? It was so awesome! I think maybe we need to revive this lovely trend. It's difficult to keep up with though on a daily basis with all of our end of the year projects. I do like our blog though, it's such a shame I've been so occupied with other stuff lately.

Anyways, in recent news, Sa, Lyd and I have been walking to the library the past two days after school. It was such amazing weather too with blue skies and the sun shining down. Of course now it is raining. Honestly, it seems as if it only rains on the weekends when we actually have time off. I am definantly thinking though that we should be spending a lot more time walking to the library when the weather is appropriate. And these random people we see are pretty amusing too....

Three Day Weekend!!! So pysched, although it's quite likely that I will probably spend the majority of the weekend working on all of my school work. Or perhaps even more likely, I will intend to work on them but in actuality we all know I'll find something less productive to do. Chances are that all of my work will pile up until the very last week and I'll have to rush. I know that I've always procrastinated in the past but it's at an all time worse this year. Honestly. Last year I would have finished a project the weekend before it was due but now a days I wait till the night before. The odd thing is that even though I know I have a lot of responsibilities to tend to I just can't bring myself to care....Maybe I'm just lazy or too focused on the coming summer holiday to give much attention to school work. Hopefully it will pass though, but it's difficult when you're apathetic about being apathetic. I doubt that made any sense....

A night on the town sounds awesome right now. Hopefully I can work something out. Swing dancing and or bowling sounds fantastic for I haven't been it what seems like forever. I remember that we would always go last year, but we would always be so drained by the end of the week that we could barely stand, let alone dance for two hours. Yet somehow I still managed to go and enjoy it. Of course, it was also a bunch of elderly people too whenever we went too. I remember when you, Sa, danced with that old man, haha. Good times.

P.S. latest music obsession=Kate Nash!!! I absolutely LOVE her voice. Man, I wish could sing like her. Ah, she's amazing though, a must for musical listening.

....that was so akwardly worded


audreyandabby said...

I really like Kate Nash, too, but my sister never lets me listen to her. I just wanted to tell you both that I have a new laundry hamper from my neighbor's garage sale (it is her mother's from 1968) that looks like the background of your blog. It is fantastic!

saandandi said...

i do love our backround