Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Drains are Drinking, All This Rain, Oh I'm Thinking, Maaaybe

I just read Perks! Well, I read it Sunday night. I liked it. But I think I liked the mood I was in as I read it more. I finally feel like its summer break. What caused this:
-Waking up in a tent, going in to the living room and watching Spongebob with a bunch of teenagers and eating a huge breakfast. I love waking up with huge, non-obnoxious groups. And sleeping surrounded by their voices. Sure, sometimes I love solitude, but in those moments its just nice to know I'm not alone.

-Spending a day with no real purpose, we drove around, we went to a gas station when we felt like it, we wandered around an unused house and sat in the empty hot tub, we paddleboated. Calm pursuits with people I really like.

-The sun being slightly sunny, me being very sleepy, and a book to read. AH SUMMAH!

On another note: about your heritage thing, I understand. I used to be really absorbed by it, then it faded. It is fascinating though, because you know those people, generations back, passed on their traits, eccentricies, experiences, pet peeves into some condensed little essence that their kids somehow got and kept passing. And here we are. Our ancestor's essences. And our best friend's ancestor's essences. And our teacher's ancestor's essences. ABSORPTION! I don't know if that made sense...

Today I was tired, and I really didn't feel like going to the soup kitchen, but I made myself go. I got there, and was immediately glad I did. I really adore the people who work there, maybe because they are so complimentive. One man is from Egypt and he always talks about my smile and how beautiful it is. One homeless man started calling me Smiley. I just really love people. I'm also glad I went because Audrey and I, with no place to go, crashed Jakob's and ended up staying at his house and talking for awhile, which I've never done before. I really admire him and it makes me happy that someone as impossibly cool as that is my friend. Why are all of you so cool? I've been thinking about it lately, and I believe we have the coolest group of friends.

And then I had the Harrison internship thing, which sounds fun, just a lot more work than I expected. This way, though, I know I'm actually doing something interesting and useful.

Eh, I have no more to say.

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