Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sawing Away

Today I learned how to use the wood saw! I'm pretty much a handyman now if I do say so myself. You should've seen me, sawing away while wearing my swan sunglasses. It was terrific. I love my dad so much. He's like my little guru that knows random bits about everything and is so passionate about life. I love him. Plus, he makes good food.

So tell me more about your parents altar getting set on fire. This intrigues me to no end. I might just daydream about it now.

I like your time theory, though one part confused me a lot.

Dane Cook? Glory May! Let's have a Dane Cook listening party. With Lauren. We'll be like Ralphie listening to the Little Orphan Annie show.

I like the word spindly too. It does bring up really mystical illustrations.

I might have a job at Amore!! I went in there yesterday and was like "Um, I applied for a job here a couple of weeks ago, do you know who I could talk to about that?" and this guy was like "Me", which took me aback cause he looked really young, but apparently it's his brothers that own the place. A cute Italian family. Oh wonder. When I mentioned that I could work Fridays he was like "Fridays?!? We'll call you this week and we might have you start this Friday" I'm pretty nervous now. I need to find out how to get a work permit. I think I have to get one from the school. The bad part about working there will be the heat. All those ovens. I am going to melt/sweat away. I'm pretty excited though! Except, when was the dance rescheduled to? I hope I don't have to miss it.

My dad and I are about to go to this concert at my church. It's this quartet called the Orkestra Projekt. Apparently they're really eclectic and weird. I'm excited. When I heard about it, it reminded me of Audrey. Her and her cello.

See you tomorrow Tultsatoompa!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

B Lunch Band Reunited

Yes, last night was amazing! gah, I miss Kaitlynn so much, she's amazing. For that hour and a half it felt like the good(emphasis on the good portion) ol' days at PHS. The playing of invisible instruments, the food which Kaitlynn would occationally smell(except tastier, haha), the juicy gossip. And if I closed my eyes I could see Mr. Kudre (sp??) and Mr. Kudre's Son. Despite the fact that I pretty much despised that school I still feel some sort of kinship to it, like it will always be a small part of me or something. La Trois should have these girl dates more often with our friends we rarely ever get to see.(By the way, I love how you straightened your hair in honor of having dinner with Kaitlynn). Kate says she's going to try and get our little gang together soon. That would be cool, we never really get to see her much either.

Today I went to Super Target(j'adore!), and I had a gift card so I got a set of three Dane Cook CDs, score! I was listening to one earlier, and it has the monkey heist one that you like. Ah, I don't think anything gets me as pumped as listening to Dane. It just makes you so happy and full of energy. Oh, and I wore my hair up in a pony-tail today, which was a bit of an odd change for me. Maybe I will wear it like that to school sometime. What is with all these slight little alterations in my apperance? We also rented "Stardust" which we're going to watch later tonight. I wanted to get Labyrinth, but my dad said he would get it for me next weekend since my sister was more inclined to get "Stardust". So next weekend I will finally get to see the wonder of "Labyrinth" which I am greatly looking forward too.

I think that time may just be some made up meathod of humans to measure how quickly our lives go past. Your theory is pretty interesting. What if time just passes at it's own rate, but for some reason we don't really notice it because it affects our perspective at the present time and we don't clearly recognized the change until after that moment has passed?(if this even makes any sense to you). Hm, it's an interesting theory for sure though. Maybe what I'm trying to say is a) maybe it doesn't really exist at all, maybe it's just a made up concept of humanity. Or b) it is it's own master on to itself and passes as it pleases.

As for my lovely List:
1.Spindely-i hope i spelled this right, but anyways it makes me think of fairy tales and fairy creatures with delicate yet twisted limbs. How odd.
2. Frugal-who doesn't like saying "frugal"?
3. Aloof-funny word for being an outcast or a loner, kind of funny in a harsh way i guess...
4. Eloquent-it sounds really fluid to me, i don't know what i'm saying really. i pretty much just made these up in 30 seconds with little time for contemplation.

Okay, so why are three out of four of my words vocab words from either middle school or this year?

I can't believe it. Despite my determination not to make a fool of my klutzy self at school, the first day back I tripped on the stair first thing in the morning on my way to class. Thankfully no one was around to witness it. My knee is still bruised and a littled scabby(sorry, you didn't really need to know that I guess), and it still stings sometimes. So, I seem to pretty much be a walking train-wreck these days...I'll probably set the alter on fire at our wedding, haha. (Actually I think that happened at my parents wedding). Either that, or I will trip on my dress, that is if La Trois decides to wear dresses that are floor length. If not, then just tripping over my own two feet will suffice.


Last night was so much fun. It was definitely better than watching a movie because with those you are watching someone else's life. We were living our own instead! Ah, I love you guys more than food. It was simply amazing seeing Kaitlynn again and eating all that good food.

I'm home alone right now. I love it. I get to blast music and sing along. Although, I should be doing my project and studying. I'm really nervous for my music independent project. I wish I had remembered to bring my violin home.

When Dary and I were talking Thursday night, we both agreed this week had gone by super fast. Then we started wondering if time does actually collectively speed up. It's not just when you're having fun that it goes fast. I think time might actually slow itself down and then speed up whenever it wants. Like, those times when there were a lot of geniuses and many discoveries (like the Renaissance) they just had more time, and those times we think of as "Stupid years" (At this point, Darcy went "Yeah, like the 1920s!" I'm not quite sure why) just didn't have as much time. We always say those who accomplish a lot use their time well. But what if it's time that's using them? I remember talking to Kelsey and Erin the summer after my sixth grade year (they would've been just out of, um, freshman year, i think), and we all agreed that that year was really speedy. Maybe that's when our present age started losing time. But what is time anyways? planet movements? our clocks? numbers? I never thought numbers could completely describe something. For example, when someone says "I saw two people." There's so much more to those people than the fact that they were standing together. So maybe time has something else to it besides the numbers we try to capture it in. Like, some insane need to speed up and slow down willy nilly. What do you think?

I'm pretty excited for Le Trois's mock wedding this summer. I think Lydia's house would be a good place. Her parents wouldn't be that bad at all. Will Don might attack people with his fake gun, but you know, things like that happen. haha. Like when he tried to smother me with a pillow. Ah, good times.

Well, I really have to do that project! How about a quick list? Um, thinking, thinking, thinking-favorite English words?

1. Serendipity-Fun to say, comforting meaning
2. Catywampus-such a folksy word. my mom uses it all the time. I can't believe you grew up in Indiana and never heard it until me. Though, I guess your parents were raised further North, so it's really not your fault.
3. Superfluous-I love saying it. It just tastes good.
4. Notion-A Sadaka favorite

Perhaps is also a nice one, especially in the the song.

PS. It's interesting that you klutziness decided to reassert itself in a chocolate shop. Maybe it loves breakable things?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The End and The Begining

Vacation has finally come to an end. Although I must say that I am actually looking forward to going back to school, I adore Herron, I really do. Haha, this from the girl who also adores the idea on living in NY. I am still afraid of sinking back into the normal routine of life. It does not feel like vacation is over yet, and my mind is still not fully here yet. I still feel kind of disconnected back home. I am looking forward to seeing you and everyone else tomorrow though. I would miss you most if I were to ever move. But even so, it would still work out in the end, it has too. However, it's just a thought, I wouldn't worry about me moving. Not now.

Man, I have to finish my independent projects though this week. I swear, I definantly put in more the 10 hours on each. Gah, they're so exhausting. Hopefully I will get one of them done tomorrow or Tuesday and then I'll only have to finish my painting one. School takes up so much of my time, but then again I do love school so I don't really mind all that much.

I am hoping that my increased klutzyness wears down on my return to school though. I do not need to fall down another flight of stairs, especially in front of a bunch of other people who will probably snear at and mock me for it. That's for sure. Not to mention the fact that the stairs are cement and not carpeted. Ouch! Although, I'm doubtful of whether or not the habbit of knocking over everything in sight will totally cease. Walking disaster? Possibly. At least I don't take things too seriously and am able to laugh this kind of thing off for the most part.

Oh, so over break my family has taken to the habbit of joking with my sister about how she's going to live in a trailer park in the future. And since we all love lists so much, here's a list of the reasons:
1. She has a southern accent(which, by the way, has dramatically increased over the break.)
2. She never wears shoes(this counts as evidence according to my parents)
3. She plans to overload her house with loads and loads and loads of christmas lights durring the holidays, which she plans to keep up from november through february.
4. She likes the sun and the warmth, so she's probably going to live in the south in the future

Haha, I like our profile pic, man that thing is so old though, I mean look at my hair. Actually I just consider anything in which my hair is long to be old, even though I don't really think that two years is all that old. You should print out a copy of it and our glorious awesomeness for Audrey's locker.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Vacation's Come and Gone Too Fast

Ah, New York was awesome as always. I know some people get sick of their families sometimes but i absolutely adore mine. It's always a blast. It may sound weird, but i feel so sad being back home. I always miss New York and my family when we leave though, and I will admit that I sometimes cry when we leave. Ah, it's so embarasssing though. And every year I tell my parents we should just move to New York. This year, I was half serious when I said it. I think if I was totally committed to moving up north that there's a chance my parents would follow through. The only person I'd really have to convince is Alex. But I know my dad would like to live up there. It's strange. When I got home I walked into the house and everything felt so surreal. It doesn't smell like home, it smells like some new house. And I stand there for a brief moment and think, this doesn't feel like home, this isn't home. It's too quiet. Too weird. I still haven't turned on the lights in my room. I'm afraid too, but why I don't know. I guess I'm homesick for New York. How did I get so attached to it? I don't get it though. I mean, I love my life here, my friends, and school and I would miss all of you guys so much(of course you'd be able to come and visit if we ever did move so it's not like i'd never see you guys again). Yet I still feel so desperate to move. Maybe it will go away as time passes. Oh I don't know. But it wouldn't be this year if we ever did move that's for sure. Besides, I got this pretty dress for a formal and it would be a shame not to get to wear it, haha. It's still all so confussing.

But overall my break was great. We saw the golden compass, went to my aunt and her boyfriend's house, went shopping, hung out with all of my family and celebrated christmas four times or something haha. It was awesome seeing my family and Alex and I hung out a lot of the time.

I haven't been able to check our blog much either so it's okay, haha. We're both slackers, nothing new there. Maybe we could do something tomorrow? IF you ever check this in time that is, haha.
P.S. Al and I got skinny jeans for Christmas too!