Saturday, January 12, 2008

B Lunch Band Reunited

Yes, last night was amazing! gah, I miss Kaitlynn so much, she's amazing. For that hour and a half it felt like the good(emphasis on the good portion) ol' days at PHS. The playing of invisible instruments, the food which Kaitlynn would occationally smell(except tastier, haha), the juicy gossip. And if I closed my eyes I could see Mr. Kudre (sp??) and Mr. Kudre's Son. Despite the fact that I pretty much despised that school I still feel some sort of kinship to it, like it will always be a small part of me or something. La Trois should have these girl dates more often with our friends we rarely ever get to see.(By the way, I love how you straightened your hair in honor of having dinner with Kaitlynn). Kate says she's going to try and get our little gang together soon. That would be cool, we never really get to see her much either.

Today I went to Super Target(j'adore!), and I had a gift card so I got a set of three Dane Cook CDs, score! I was listening to one earlier, and it has the monkey heist one that you like. Ah, I don't think anything gets me as pumped as listening to Dane. It just makes you so happy and full of energy. Oh, and I wore my hair up in a pony-tail today, which was a bit of an odd change for me. Maybe I will wear it like that to school sometime. What is with all these slight little alterations in my apperance? We also rented "Stardust" which we're going to watch later tonight. I wanted to get Labyrinth, but my dad said he would get it for me next weekend since my sister was more inclined to get "Stardust". So next weekend I will finally get to see the wonder of "Labyrinth" which I am greatly looking forward too.

I think that time may just be some made up meathod of humans to measure how quickly our lives go past. Your theory is pretty interesting. What if time just passes at it's own rate, but for some reason we don't really notice it because it affects our perspective at the present time and we don't clearly recognized the change until after that moment has passed?(if this even makes any sense to you). Hm, it's an interesting theory for sure though. Maybe what I'm trying to say is a) maybe it doesn't really exist at all, maybe it's just a made up concept of humanity. Or b) it is it's own master on to itself and passes as it pleases.

As for my lovely List:
1.Spindely-i hope i spelled this right, but anyways it makes me think of fairy tales and fairy creatures with delicate yet twisted limbs. How odd.
2. Frugal-who doesn't like saying "frugal"?
3. Aloof-funny word for being an outcast or a loner, kind of funny in a harsh way i guess...
4. Eloquent-it sounds really fluid to me, i don't know what i'm saying really. i pretty much just made these up in 30 seconds with little time for contemplation.

Okay, so why are three out of four of my words vocab words from either middle school or this year?

I can't believe it. Despite my determination not to make a fool of my klutzy self at school, the first day back I tripped on the stair first thing in the morning on my way to class. Thankfully no one was around to witness it. My knee is still bruised and a littled scabby(sorry, you didn't really need to know that I guess), and it still stings sometimes. So, I seem to pretty much be a walking train-wreck these days...I'll probably set the alter on fire at our wedding, haha. (Actually I think that happened at my parents wedding). Either that, or I will trip on my dress, that is if La Trois decides to wear dresses that are floor length. If not, then just tripping over my own two feet will suffice.

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