Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fresher Than Fresh!

Dear Sara,

Driving home today from Rebekah's was one of the most soothing moments of the week. Turning on to Moore Rd with the windows down, I could smell the fresh scent of summer, cut grass, flowers, and the cool night air. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The smell really made me stop and think about how wonderful and perfect the moment was. Sitting all alone, cruising down the road with a slight breeze on my face, i felt so calm and content. Curious how such simple things put us in a state of bliss. The simplest thing as a flower, or the sight of a meadow, or the sounds of crickets can make you forget about everything except that exact moment and right then all that is running through my head is it's summer and i think about how happy and how relieved that makes me feel. Lately I haven't been in much of a talkative mood. I feel like I just tend to sit around and space out. Even when I'm with you or lydia, or callie, or auds...talking just feels like a stretch. I feel worn at times. But then when I look around and see how beautiful the world is I just feel so...content, or elated. Everything just feels right.

So far I've managed to keep busy, yet I worry that things will slow down soon and I'll be stuck in a state of boredom with nothing to do. Which I'm kind of dreading because I want to enjoy summer as much as I can before we have to go back and worry about schoolwork. I don't want the summer to pass me by to quickly or without much excitement. Let's hang out as much as we can. I know I will start to miss everyone from school dearly.

I hear you are sick. Poor thing, my dear swany. I hope you get better soon. Summer break is no convienient time to catch a cold. If you ever need me to come over a make you some soup or hold your hair back while you puke into a bucket you can always call. Honesty, I wouldn't mind at all. By the way, I'm so excited to take care of you after you get your wisedom teeth pulled. We'll eat ice cream, and I'll make you smoothies, and we can watch as much tv/movies as you'd like. Or maybe if you get really loopy and tired I could read you stories as you fall asleep and maybe even act them out...

Well my dear I'm starting to feel sleepy. Time for me to go read and get some rest. I hope you feel better quite soon and hopefully hang out!

1 comment:

Lydia and Callie said...

moore road is the best at night.
its like someone took a country-side from a story book and stuck it in the middle of the suburbs.