Sunday, January 6, 2008

The End and The Begining

Vacation has finally come to an end. Although I must say that I am actually looking forward to going back to school, I adore Herron, I really do. Haha, this from the girl who also adores the idea on living in NY. I am still afraid of sinking back into the normal routine of life. It does not feel like vacation is over yet, and my mind is still not fully here yet. I still feel kind of disconnected back home. I am looking forward to seeing you and everyone else tomorrow though. I would miss you most if I were to ever move. But even so, it would still work out in the end, it has too. However, it's just a thought, I wouldn't worry about me moving. Not now.

Man, I have to finish my independent projects though this week. I swear, I definantly put in more the 10 hours on each. Gah, they're so exhausting. Hopefully I will get one of them done tomorrow or Tuesday and then I'll only have to finish my painting one. School takes up so much of my time, but then again I do love school so I don't really mind all that much.

I am hoping that my increased klutzyness wears down on my return to school though. I do not need to fall down another flight of stairs, especially in front of a bunch of other people who will probably snear at and mock me for it. That's for sure. Not to mention the fact that the stairs are cement and not carpeted. Ouch! Although, I'm doubtful of whether or not the habbit of knocking over everything in sight will totally cease. Walking disaster? Possibly. At least I don't take things too seriously and am able to laugh this kind of thing off for the most part.

Oh, so over break my family has taken to the habbit of joking with my sister about how she's going to live in a trailer park in the future. And since we all love lists so much, here's a list of the reasons:
1. She has a southern accent(which, by the way, has dramatically increased over the break.)
2. She never wears shoes(this counts as evidence according to my parents)
3. She plans to overload her house with loads and loads and loads of christmas lights durring the holidays, which she plans to keep up from november through february.
4. She likes the sun and the warmth, so she's probably going to live in the south in the future

Haha, I like our profile pic, man that thing is so old though, I mean look at my hair. Actually I just consider anything in which my hair is long to be old, even though I don't really think that two years is all that old. You should print out a copy of it and our glorious awesomeness for Audrey's locker.

1 comment:

audreyandabby said...

I fell down the stairs today, too. It hurt, but I was in a good mood, so I just laughed (and limped) it off. Guess what, you guys? We have a creepy creepster blog buddy! Vary scary, I know. Are you still going to the Abbey tomorrow?