Saturday, January 3, 2009

What? Sara can type?

Ah Today has been amazing!
And then I start to think about why it is, and I realize I am most likely very dorky.
I guess I was bound to realize it someday.

So waking up early to do community service with you was completely worth it. I love that we can have heart-to-hearts while sweeping in the middle of a warehouse. I love that I can work one of those orange things now. I love that I feel like I can be truthful with you, and you (hopefully) feel like you can be truthful with you. (Though do you ever worry that what's truthful to you at one moment, might not be truthful in another? I do. Mostly when I talk about what I feel or think. I guess because emotions change constantly and I'm always revising what I believe about certain things. I tend to absorb other people's opinions after awhile. Not sure if that's good.)

When I got home, I changed into sweats, but then changed again because I wanted to go to Cosco avec ma mere. And for some reason, I talked to my mom like the whole way there, which is odd because I usually don't talk in the car, and usually I don't talk that much to my mom in one setting. And we jammed to Jethro Tull (she loves him). And it was Cosco! Which I adore because it's a grocery store, and they have FREE samples-freeness and food! my favorite things! And in the parking lot, this adult Asian man stood on the cart and rode it to his car, like you do when you're a kid. It made me so happy.

Then, I went to church, which I actually really adore doing, especially on Saturday nights because it's very quiet and there aren't many people and Sandi, who gives really good sermons, preached. And I like church because, no matter how I'm feeling, or what annoying thing the priest might say (that's mostly at the Catholic or Baptist services, though sometimes their words are very much okay), I come out feeling so serenely happy and just...peaceful. That sounds trite, but it's true. I'd like to say more, but I can't think of how else to describe it, and I'm afraid what more I say might be true for me now, but untrue for me later. So simplicity? I like church.
I always worry when I say that though, because I feel like it makes me the stereotypical Christian who hates people for being different. I hate feeling like when I say that, I'll automatically be branded as unpleasant, hypocritical, and close-minded. I hope I'm not those things.

But then I went running with Sarah. And Matilda, which I haven't seen in forever (I love that movie, let's watch it together soon), was on the TV! So it helped a lot, and Sarah helped distract me. And I love that feeling after you run. Augh, it's amazing!

And then when I came home, I made my dinner. I had convinced my mom to get tomatoes, which I had been craving, so I broiled cheese on top of mushrooms and tomatoes and dripped this sauce thing I made of olive oil, rosemary, garlic, pepper, and basil on it. MMM I do like cooking.

And now I'm finally writing on our blog! (And putting off that English paper. hmla)


We're doing it.

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