Monday, November 17, 2008

"If I'd Only Thought Of Something Charming to Say..."

Ah, did you see the snow today? You must have. Wasn't it beautiful? I find running in this kind of weather is actually quite enjoyable, once you get over the initial chill of course. The cold air always leaves me feeling refreshed and alive. I love the feel of the wind teasing my hair, the soft sting of the cold against my skin, and the warm cloud of breath that puffs about as I exhale. Why do I love the cold dark seasons so much? I wonder what this says about me/my psyche. Maybe it's really nothing at all. I just think there's something really beautiful about the cold mixed with the barren exposed landscape. Sometimes it's frozen and lonely, but it doesn't always have to be that way. Other times it's inviting and warm as friends snuggle together for warmth. Perhaps, subconsciously, the cold prompts us to reach out to one another because it's the only way to keep warm and consequently it brings us closer together. Lonesome yet intimate.

Finding the dual nature in things always interests me. I love finding out unusual facts about people. It's always refreshing as it reminds me there's always more to see then what we initially perceive. It makes me want to dig deeper and see what else is hidden from my plain sight, fueling my curiosity. Irony is my favorite. It's entertaining and clever, but also cruel and bizarre. I suppose you could say irony itself is quite 'ironic'.

The blahness seems to have departed for the most part. My emotions at this moment are actually quite serene and peaceful. I'm not sure why. I suppose I shouldn't question it. I don't know if I'll ever fully understand the way my brain works, as much as I'd like to. Maybe if I ever get to study psychology I'll be able to find some answers. I'm so intriegued by the workings of the human mind. I know that it's impossible to understand, but nevertheless I want to learn as much as I can about it. I think this desire to study psychology my have stemmed from a desire to better understand myself and the people around me. What better way to understand something then going to its very core, in this case it would be the mind.

I found some lip balm in the pocket of my sweatshirt. Can you say "Victory!"? That's another one of the things that I really like. Finding lip balm. It's only second best to finding money. Okay, ultimate fantasy find right here, are you ready for this? Imagine finding lipbalm wrapped in a twenty dollar bill concealed within a love note. Could it get any better?

Let's take a little trip down memory lane...
Do you recall our musical interests from fourth/fifth grade? Enya and classical music? Well, I found myself reliving my fourth grade music interests this weekend. It all started with my nap friday. I decided to listen to some music to calm myself down and put myself in a sleepy mood as I fell asleep as well as drown out the murmur of the television downstairs. But I can't really listen to music with lyrics when I'm trying to slumber. I get lost and distracted by lyrics. So I'm thinking I may need to add some classical tracks to my ipod, such as Beehtoven and whatnot. Ha, I know, what a nerd right? To be honest though, I still like that kind of music. I just find it to be so soothing and elegant. I really hope I can master the piano. It's doubtfull that I'll be able to compose anything at all, but I would still be satisfied with the simple task of playing such a beautiful instrument. I really like the violin, but my playing was horrendous! I think the piano is a much safer choice sound-wise. It doesn't come out as harsh and squeeky under the command of my clumsy hands. My main problem is counting in my head and knowin when to shift. I'm a visual person, as well as spacey, so when I have all these things running through my mind I really have to focus, but sometimes it's hard because I can't always visually process everything in front of me. I think I'm getting better though. I suppose practice is the key.

Well, that's enough of my musings for now.

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