Sunday, November 23, 2008

If Time is Measured In Memories,

Don't Set Your Clock to Misery!

I agree, children's toys now-a-days seem quite frivolous. Have you noticed the majority of them all have to do with video games and television? The toy industry, it seems, is out to brainwash our society's children. What shall we ever do? It's quite sad. I fear that future generations won't be able to think for themselves. I fear they may be losing their innovative and creative ability. I fear they won't be able to entertain themselves without the presence of a television screen. I never had an easy-bake oven...but they always looked so fun. I remember that majority of my childhood was consumed by coloring books, crayons, paint, and playing out in the back yard. I didn't have much exposue to technology as a child. I recall that my parents would always limit my tv time. Good 'ol Mom and Dad, always looking out for my well being. Another thing, I feel that the quality of children's television has also decreased over the years. I remember growing up with shows like "Wishbone" and "Bill Nye the Science Guy." Mr. Roe talks about all the kiddie shows his son watches and they sound supper trippy and pointless. I'd never let my children watch that (if I had children that is). Oh dearie me, what is the world of children coming to?

Do you ever wish we could go back in time? Back to a more simple time without the distractions of the internet and television where people would actually go outside and play. Or when it was safe to wander and explore the woods on your own. Or when you could drop out of school and join the circus (like in "Water for Elephants," which I finally finished over the summer. You can tell Katie that I really liked it.)

Can we keep this blog forever and continue to write on it even when we're older and living on completely different sides of the world? What if after college we were to loose all forms of communication and this blog was the only thing holding our friendship together until one day we coincindentally met on a random street corner in new york in front of a local coffee house? Unlikely, still it could make for an interesting story. Maybe we should write a book of short stories together. I'm not the best writer though. I wish I had the ability to compose eloquent pieces of writing but I fear the majority of what I write sounds very disconnected and simplistic. Still, no harm in trying I suppose.

I wonder how we'll view ourselves in the future or how much different we will be then in contrast to now. I feel I've changed a good deal in only the past year. I've become a much more open and social individual, not to mention all of the changes in my physicall appearance. But then I also realized that a number of my interests are quite the same, take classical music or art for an example. Although the ways in which I execute the creation of art have changed. I feel as if I'm completely different, yet the same.

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