Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let's Start a Riot!

I think the reason for our excessive negativity is probably a side effect from our week of 'blah-ness.'

A positive week? Oh, Swan...I don't know if I'll make it. I'm sorry I can't always be such a happy sunshiney person all the time. Unfortunately, it's not part of my nature. But maybe if we make it a super awesome week of excitement and insanity it could happen. We can certainly try, but it will be a bit of a challenge.

I love this little mental connection we have. We must be on the same brainwaves or something. You are my soul sister.

I do love exclamation points as well. They're a happy burst of emotion. However I have been trying to cut back on my usage so I won't wear out the magic. So you list Katie's hands as one of your favorite things, but fail to overlook my cushy ones? I'm feeling betrayed.

Ah, the best thing ever happened today though. I was flipping through some of my old sketchbooks in search of some blank scrap paper, when I came across a folded up piece of notebook paper. Intrigued, I unfolded it and it read, "I love you Ands." It made me feel loved. I actually smiled, it was wonderful. It also inspired within me a fantastic idea. Whenever one of us is having a bad day, could we write each other a bunch of 'love' notes and hide them in one another's stuff? Please? Back to the sketchbook thing though, it was weird looking through my old sketches. It made for an interesting stroll down memory lane. Some of them were kind of cool, but a lot of them embarrassed me. It's so odd looking at what I did back then. Some of my sketches seemed so...immature? Not very developed. It's strange thinking about how much I've really changed over the years. It's crazy how much can change in only a years time.

Sometimes I feel as if life is passing me by too quickly. Especially when it comes to high school and college. I love Herron, but I'll have to leave it behind in less then two years. It really depresses me. I don't think I'm ready for college. I don't want to think about it. To be honest, I'm a bit apprehensive about it as well. How will I fare with other people? On one hand I've become more confident in my ability to talk to people, but in the 'real world' I'm not so sure how well it will work out. Not to mention how much I'll miss you and everyone else. Promise we'll keep in touch? But for now, I'm just trying to focus on now and enjoy this moment in my life while it lasts. Why can't we be 'forever young?' Can we be supersupersuper seniors? High schoolers for life!

To end on a positive note, here's a list of things I adore:
-peeling paint off of pallets
-finding forgotten love notes
-discovering awesome new music
-Sa Swa!
-randomly bursting into dance
-dance offs
-Big Fish!
-movie marathons
-cold weather
-sing alongs (despite our lack of talent)
-the office
-awkward moments, or at least hearing about them. Yours are the best Swany!
-cordory pants
-thrift stores/consignment shops
-staying up late
-dress down days

Let's start a riot!

Here's hoping for a more eventful weekend.

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