Monday, December 24, 2007

Safe, Red-eyed, and Cookie-smelling

So my computer is normal again. Thank goodness. How is Morgie? I was really worried I killed her with that left-out chocolate. I just finished my history quiz. I had to call Lydia to remind her. Now my eyes are irritated. Darn contacts. We're having salmon for dinner tonight. Yahoo!
Last night I spent the night at Sarah McGraw's. We played a lot of Twister. The night before that I was at KT JJ's after our family Christmas party (which was awesome-almost everyone got jeans, I got black skinny ones) We also went to a home school basketball game, which wasn't as fun as the old times. On Sunday, Katie and I kept sneaking off to take naps. We were so cold and tired. Ah, I love the big bed in their playroom. I almost never get it though-it usually goes to ole Darcy.

Kate's party was fun. Apparently now I'm hanging out with Tyler over break, which hopefully won't be awkward. I might call you tomorrow, just to get in a good conversation before you take off to New York.

I still have to buy my parents' gifts. I think Kels and I are running out to Target soon. Right now she's making cookies for her boyfriend. I love the smell of cookies. It's Christmas Eve!

Well, sorry if this was a quick/jittery/non coherent post. And sorry I haven't been on lately. Any chance you can check it in New York?
Well, Have a Lovely Christmas, sista.

P.S. Sarah has this huge book of lists. We got addicted and couldn't stop reading them. Did you know lard is the fattiest food? Or that JFK smoked marijuana? Or that tulips really have little cities in them? All of those are true according to the Book of Lists, well except for that last one.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Killer Party

When reflecting back on the first day of our winter break, I would have to describe it as phenomonal(if I could spell it right). Secret Santa kinda turned into last minute card making for Kate, and I really hope that she appreciated the ghettoness of our cards, not to mention the humour behind the tampon one. Oh man, but Kate's Sweet 16 was incredible!! Is it just me, or were we the first to get on the dance floor and the very last to leave? Which is odd because I'm not really much of a dancer. I loved when the DJ danced with it though, haha that was hilarious! Plus, it was pretty cool seeing friends from other schools, I miss them so much. It was pretty much the perfect start to break.

I hope the rest of my break is just as amazing. In comparison to last night I didn't do much today. I went grocery shopping with my dad and went to the movie store but that' about it so far. I'm really looking forward to New York though. Hopefully it snows more while we are there. I will miss all of you though, but perhaps we can do something when I get back before school starts up again?

By the way, I'm sorry that I haven't checked our blog in a while. I'm trying to be careful with this whole contract affair. But like I said, I'm smart enough not to do anything stupid/rash, so I don't entirely understand why my mom is getting so intense about it. Well, i guess parents will be parents, n'est pas?

I have come to realize that this blog is kind of like a diary. I mean, we post our thoughts, feelings and opinions about the events and various aspects of our lives on here, just as we would in a diary. Except, this diary writes back, haha. It's almost like I'm having a conversation with my diary/myself(since we are kind of the same person?). Although, I haven't kept a diary since elementary school, and even then I barely wrote in it and when I did I seemed to have been more interested in doodling in it anyway. Well, I hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season Blog Buddy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

technology is out to get me

my computer has gone crazy> it wont let me capitalize or put in periods> it took me over !) minutes to post a comment on abby and audrey"s thing> i couldn"t log in at first to post it cause the period stopped working right after i finished my comment> crazy technology!

today was an okay day> ive been feeling kind of off lately<> i dont know why> i think i need a good break and sledding>
oh but the seven am practice wasn"t all bad> the sunrise over the church was gorgeous> then<> it was one of those times when you just wish you had a camera because the light played perfectly on the bridge>

but i realized last night<> yet for some reason i love it?
it just deleted like half of the sentences! oh gosh<> reading this might waste your life> it wont let me go back in and fix parts either> because whenever i click on an area<> im so sorry for your eyes and brain

ill write a revised version tomorrow

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Wow, that was very poetic in a way Sa. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I'm must be careful because of this 'contract'. Which, by the way, is so lame. I mean, i'm a smart kid. I may not be a super smart genious like you, but still, I'm confident that I have enough common sense not to do anything stupid/rash that could get me in trouble. While I understand their concern for my saftey, I would hope that they would trust me enought not to sign something like that. I guess not, and that really hurts.

I have realized why I like the night so much. It's so calm and quiet. Everyone is asleep so it's just me and a good book or my sketchbook. I love being active and social durring the day, but I need my "me" time as well where I can just curl up with whatever it is that I happen to be reading, and relax. And that fact that I'm the only one up at the late hours of the night means absolute silence and no noisy chatter drifting up throught the floors of my house. It is just silent, and perfect. I pretty much adore those 30 minutes to several hours of solitude.

Are you ready for our convo tomorrow? Time to spread the word about Invisible Children! I'm excited, and I hope that everyone really gets the message of what's going on and why it is so important to help. I really believe that we can help make a difference.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Dad's making curry lima beans for dinner tonight-this should be interesting. Then again, curry can make ANYTHING taste good. I love it so much. And I like the texture of lima beans, like the smooth Barbie shoes that were so nice to chew on.

Today was eh. It wasn't great, but not terrible either. Music class was quiet. I felt like a loner because I just sat by myself and played. At the same time, though, it felt nice. I played all the songs we played second semester last year. All the drummers were playing really loud so like no one else could hear me. It felt comforting, like being in a musical cocoon. I really miss being in a full orchestra. Nothing can compare with that, when you are utterly surrounded by music, in and out. There'd be times where my mind would just shut down and I would play in the group, and when I came to, it was just awesome that my brain and fingers could do that work without me. It's like music took me over and disposed of my brain. I think because there's just some things your conscious can't do for you. Like, in Hungarian Dance, there's this really fast part and if I think about it, I mess up. But if I just let go consciously, my fingers know what to do. Also, when I'm learning and playing music, and actually focusing on it, it's like a meditation where everything else is just kind of shut out. Kind of like when you're sketching and utterly focused on that. I can't believe I was going to give up music if I had stayed at Pike. I think seeing August Rush made me want to play my whole life. It's just mm, soothing. I want to get better now.

Well, I really have to do English and I can't think of anything else to talk about, my day was pretty uneventful. Cyanara!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Library Love

Ah, today was a good day. Two hour delay! It was awesome, even though I didn't get that much sleep because my sister woke me up when she left. I really want to see the rest of transformers now, haha. Maybe after the winter formal?

Hm, i still have to see about going to Abby's tomorrow, but she has to call me back tomorrow about it. My mom is still kinda iffy about it though. I really hope i can go, but I'm doubtful, and even if I do they probably won't be too happy, so I'd have to be on my best behavior for the rest of the weekend and possibly the rest of the week to keep them pacified. Why must parents be so strict? Sometimes I look forward to being able to drive myself places.

The Library was awesome! Thanks so much for taking me Sara. My tastebuds are still burnt from that coffee though. I loved the kid's section especially, it was sooooo cool! Definantly beats Taco Bell. We should hang out there after school, and sit in those comfy pod chairs. The veiw from the top floor was amazing too. Ah, it was just so amazing.

Hm, well I should probably work on my independent project now...

In English

Sitting in English, so I thought I'd make my list.
This is a really hard one, though, I might have to finish it later since I have to go with Emilea in the elevator (yay!)

1. Definitely the grillz/ yearbook night.
2. The truth or dare on the bus-I think most of our favorites are the same...
3. Golf carting in Michigan
4. Seeing She's the Man and you laughing louder than anyone in the theater. hahaha. I love that movie

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Have a cup of coffee

Just checking in really quickly. I'm in the middle of my paper. I thought I'd leave you with this nice quote i found: "Jackson men, in addition to harping on the corrupt-bargain charge, accused Adams of pimping for the czar while he was minister to Russia."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is it Boys, This is War!

Today was awesome! I can't believe it snowed so much. Ah, it was so beautiful though when I woke up. I also got some sweet pictures for my sketchbook. And not one, but two snowball fights. Can life get any sweeter? Oh man, I was so cold by the time I got home though. There was snow all down my shirt and my socks were soaked through leaving my feet to freeze, but I didn't really care. I will probably wake up with a cold tomorrow too, haha. It wasn't really that bad though. Ah, we should definantly do this again. Seriously.

Today seemed quite hilarious for some odd reason that I can't quite put my finger on. I wonder why? Maybe people were in just a good mood because of the snow. Except for that fight of course, which I think it's really dumb when people fight. Man, Mr Harris is a beast though, did you see him break that thing up? But still, fighting and volience is stupid. One of the many reasons as to why I came to Herron is that there is just too much stupid drama at public schools.

Blogging is slowly becoming more and more addicting. I think that I spent almost two hours on here last night. At least I didn't have any homework to do really, but tonight I do so hopefully I won't get too sucked in. I probably will though. Haha, I love how we just start reading our blogs at school when we get bored. A very productive use of our time if I do say so myself.

Oh, Friday is an ok go! I talked to my mom and she's fine with it as long as I don't get home too late in the evening. I'm excited, I can't wait to see the new library. It's going to be amazing I bet.

I was somewhat disappointed by the fact that Abby failed to get back to school on time. I was so looking forward to that chocolate milk shake and fries. Oh well, I'll get over it, haha. Taco Bell is still on my mind, I can almost smell it. I am food obsessed. Actually, I'd say that both of us are. And the fact that there's a bunch of restraunts around our school does not help at all.

Oh Sa, bring your blanket tomorrow so we'll have it for invisible children! You should have Abby wear it so that it will smell like her.

new list should be favorite Sa and Andi blast from the past moments:
1. that field trip we took to the benjamin harrison home
2. going to darcy's that one time and playing truth or dare on that church bus
3. that one sleepover we had where we made the grills and worked on our own yearbook thingy
4. this is actually a tie but they both involve swing dancing: when you danced with that old man, and when we went duckpin bowling and felt super over dressed because we were all dolled up for dancing and those, posibly drunk guys hit on us, creepy but it makes a good story.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A quick blast from the past

Just a conversation I found yesterday, hidden amongst old Microsoft Word files, circa 8th grade:

ChineseMonkey927: hey

kiwinbetween: yo yo yo

ChineseMonkey927: whats up u little gangster?

kiwinbetween: pretty much the regular just here w/ like kanye and fifty makin sum sweet groves

ChineseMonkey927: of course

ChineseMonkey927: me and little kim are throwing a house party

ChineseMonkey927: but ludicris keeps jumping on the couch

kiwinbetween: hahaha

ChineseMonkey927: *shakes head* that luda

kiwinbetween: HAHAA

kiwinbetween: luda?

kiwinbetween: i love it

kiwinbetween: hahaha

kiwinbetween: well ceera is keeps trying to like flirt w/ fifty but hes not down with that so there having a dance off

ChineseMonkey927: hahaha

ChineseMonkey927: those two

ChineseMonkey927: i think ciara will win tho

ChineseMonkey927: fifty's a little down on the grooves

kiwinbetween: yea thats why i bet on him

ChineseMonkey927: haha

kiwinbetween: now peety pablo is makin tacos

ChineseMonkey927: peety pablo?

kiwinbetween: yes the short fat man

ChineseMonkey927: never heard of that short fat man

ChineseMonkey927: ooo man

ChineseMonkey927: paul wall and nelly are fighting over whose grill is better

ChineseMonkey927: ill have to go seperate them

ChineseMonkey927: haha its all cool now

ChineseMonkey927: mary j blige just started singing

kiwinbetween: hahaa

kiwinbetween: telll nelly i like his grill

kiwinbetween: im thinking of modling my grill of his

kiwinbetween: but i might add some diomands to mine....

ChineseMonkey927: good idea

ChineseMonkey927: i want mine to be platinum and silver...going for the understated look

kiwinbetween: well i want mine to be bling blinging so im going to write out lydia is rad in rubies

ChineseMonkey927: thats gonna be a masterpiece

kiwinbetween: i kno only the best for my chomper

ChineseMonkey927: hahahaha

ChineseMonkey927: so true

kiwinbetween: im so saving this convo

kiwinbetween: u are one funny ducky sara

ChineseMonkey927: haha thanks purple boohbah

kiwinbetween: YES

kiwinbetween: those things rock my socks

ChineseMonkey927: ya they do

ChineseMonkey927: i got up early to watch them...and that's saying something

kiwinbetween: hhaha

kiwinbetween: was it good

kiwinbetween: ?

ChineseMonkey927: yaaa

ChineseMonkey927: specially mr. man and grandmama learning how to use a bubble machine

ChineseMonkey927: but it was all too short

kiwinbetween: u should have taped it

kiwinbetween: them we could have like watched it @dreas party

kiwinbetween: im disappointed in u girl

kiwinbetween: lol

kiwinbetween: jk

ChineseMonkey927: ya i was thinking about taping it

ChineseMonkey927: but i was still half asleep

kiwinbetween: haha

ChineseMonkey927: so maybe the next time

kiwinbetween: ok promise?

ChineseMonkey927: ya

ChineseMonkey927: See BoohBah on WFYI TV 20 Friday, February 3 at 6:00am. Find another

kiwinbetween: dang

kiwinbetween: thats like devotion there

ChineseMonkey927: definitly

ChineseMonkey927: but i usally go back to sleep afterward

kiwinbetween: haha thats great

For some reason, I think we sound pretty ghetto in this old conversation...

Get up, Stand up

Not crying doesn't make you bad. I love the feeling after a good cry, though. Why is it that letting water run out of your eyes can relieve emotion? There was an article about in National Geographic awhile ago. I wish I had read it. Apparently we're like the only species that cries to show emotion. Sometimes, though, it's just so hard to cry, even when you feel like you should and it makes you feel guilty.When my grandpa died, though, I couldn't cry when everyone else did. Instead I went on a walk by myself in my grandma's neighborhood and I just lay down in the softest grass, in the shade of a bush in some person's yard. It was the most comforting thing I could do. Later that day, my sister and I just lay in my grandma's yard, staring into the sky.

Yeah, I could barely hear anything you guys were saying. I think my mom thought I was depressed because I wasn't joining in on your conversation at all. haha.

I was looking up Andrew Jackson quotes earlier for my paper (Yes, I actually did a little research, though definitely not enough). I realized slowly that they probably weren't the most reliable quotes. What really made me realize they weren't was this one:“If a warden sees cigarette litter being thrown from a car, they will take the number and trace the owner to send them a fine.”
Cigarette litter in Jackson's time? Or for that matter, a car??. C'mon, Get it right.

And with the cliches, I kind of meant like movie-type things like "live in a house with a white picket fence" or "meet the man of my dreams" but I guess your way works okay, too.

Here's mine, your style:
Okay, your way is too hard. I even tried looking up cliches on the internet and i found this funny thing: Death Euphemisms
Playing harp duets with Hoffa.
Gone to a better place.
Dirt Nap Hotel.

So Here's my list, my style:
1. Eating chocolate/cookie dough/ ice cream after a break-up-It just sounds so guiltily good and yummy
2. Getting an acceptance letter to my dream college -Who doesn't want that??
3. Slow dancing in a living room to 40's-era music-Just sounds peaceful, happy
4. Getting tons of flowers-I love that scene in Big Fish when he puts all those daffodils outside her window. Big Fish is such a good movie, by the way, I want to rewatch it soon.

I'm adding a fifth one because it goes without saying
5. a road trip!

Monday, December 3, 2007


That is how I would describe Abby's hat. I wore it all night last night in fact, that is until I took it off right before I turned out the lights and went to bed, haha. Oh man, but it smells sooooooo good!!! Why does Abby and her stuff smell so good? Is this obsession with how her hat(stuff) smells a bit unhealthy? Probably. Do I care? Most likely not. Actually, I think Lydia has her hat now. I hope she remembers to bring it back to school tomorrow so Abs can get her hat back. I think my hair might be starting to smell like Abby's hat though, especially since I've pretty much worn it non-stop out of school these past two days, that is until Lydia took it. If Abby could bottle up her scent and sell it then I would probably buy it.

Man, I feel kind of bad now. I was the only one who didn't cry over that movie. Am I a bad person Sara? I hope not, I mean I really do care about those kids, it's just that well, I suppose crying just isn't really something I do? If that even makes any sense. Sometimes I just confuse my self. Oh man. I really do believe that we can help these kids and that by spreading the messsage to the rest of our school we can help promote awareness to this trajedy. I really screwed up that spelling didn't I? But still, I have faith that we can make a difference. I really think that that movie screening will help as well. Seeing something is sometimes a lot more influencial then hearing or reading about it. I suppose humans are a very visual race. We just seem to connect to images really well.

I don't know if you heard anything we were saying in the back seat of your car Sara, but Lydia was telling me that apparently the ex still likes me. Should I be a bit worried? I don't know. I hope it doesn't complicate anything though, although I don't see how I would, but still I guess there is still a bit of concern there. Ask me about it sometime tomorrow and I can fill you in on all the details.

Oh Ms. Koehring, haha. I swear, the teachers are the busy bodies in this school. They know everyone's business, and when they don't they make their job to find out. Our little conversations with her in yearbook will probably be the subject of discussion at the teacher lunch table tomorrow. I can't believe they gossip so much about the students though. Do they have no life outside of school? Ah, I didn't mean for that to sound mean. I'm sure they do though. I guess that since this other stuff is just more relevant to us, then perhaps we notice it more? Hmmm.

Ah, how I loved our quest for that kid to find out whether or not he was smoking. Quite the adventure, haha. Highly suspicious I'll say, plus you could smell the smoke. I kind of wish that Audrey had taken a picture with her "say cheese!" camera. Haha, I never knew camera phones did that. It would have been hilarious if we did get a picture. We should go on more adventures, they're so much fun. I still really want to explore our school's attic. My mind always toys with the idea whenever I see the door to that mysterious room.

Okay so for my cliches, at least i think that they are cliches:
1. take a walk in someone else's shoes-i want to walk in Abby's mocasines(sp?) because a) they look comfy, and b) i have already absconded her hat so i might as well just take the rest of her clothes to complete the outfit.
2. Dream Big-I suppose I already do this, I mean I space out all the time and get lost in my own little world ha
3. Nothing is Impossible-I have always dreamed of being able to fly...
4. You are what you eat-it would be pretty funny if people turned into the food they ate, but then again, I'd probably be devored alive, so....maybe not?

Spaghetti in the Eye

I can't find my gingerbread house. As I was looking for it, I opened a cabinet and a box of angel hair spaghetti flew out and hit me in the eye. Let me say angel hair spaghetti is not so angelic in a box.

MM, just found the house.

My sister just interviewed for a job downtown. I really hope she gets it

But that movie-It made me really want to know more about why that war is still going on. Are there people, like senators or congressmen we can write to that have any chance of making a difference? I need to look this up...
When I got home on Friday, I leaned against my mom and all of a sudden I couldn't stop crying. I just couldn't stop thinking about those kids that had to kill their own mom. Ugh. It's sick. But seriously, let's make as much of a difference as we can, and have faith that what we're doing can actually make something of a difference. After all, Herron wasn't built in a day. (I like that better than Rome's version. Shout out to last year's yearbook) And right now, let's do our best to love everyone here, cause we're all going the same way and we might as well make our lives on earth meaningful, full, loving, eh, let's spread the love, right?
Well, that was a bit incoherent. Ozzy Ozbourne=me. haha.

I'm excited for life. You ever get that feeling that wherever you're going, it's gonna be awesome? I really love Herron. I wake up excited each day now. The people are all so wonderful, something fun always happens.

Some firemen just showed up. They're doing random smoke alarm blitzes. New smoke alarms for us! haha. Luckily we didn't have a fire. People can be so nice. I love firemen. Ever hear about how they saved my dad's life?

Can we have an Invisible Children weekend sometime? We could do tons of fund-raising stuff.

Well, I really need to study for Latin, and maybe think about doing that APUSH paper. I really want time to read, too. I miss elementary school when reading each day was required. Remember DEAR? (Drop Everything And Read) Those were fun.

Also, sorry I neglected to write in here this weekend.

I forgot about the list:
1. Christmas (of course)
2. Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve-I love it. There are tons of candles, the most beautiful, quiet decorations. Everything is cozy and at this mass it's usually all the church people I know and its just very ethereal. I love my church
3. Kate's Party-I can't wait to see what her parents have arranged, though I'll feel a little guilty because of all the people in the world that don't even have parents, let alone ones that'll throw them parties like that. Let's make ours really casual, is that okay?
4. New Year's Eve- Sadaka New Years are the best. Also, Dec 22nd is the Stricker Family Christmas-aka my favorite annual party. Awesome German food. All my cousins. Presents. And non-stop laughing.

New list topic: 4 cliche things you hope to experience in life