Monday, December 24, 2007

Safe, Red-eyed, and Cookie-smelling

So my computer is normal again. Thank goodness. How is Morgie? I was really worried I killed her with that left-out chocolate. I just finished my history quiz. I had to call Lydia to remind her. Now my eyes are irritated. Darn contacts. We're having salmon for dinner tonight. Yahoo!
Last night I spent the night at Sarah McGraw's. We played a lot of Twister. The night before that I was at KT JJ's after our family Christmas party (which was awesome-almost everyone got jeans, I got black skinny ones) We also went to a home school basketball game, which wasn't as fun as the old times. On Sunday, Katie and I kept sneaking off to take naps. We were so cold and tired. Ah, I love the big bed in their playroom. I almost never get it though-it usually goes to ole Darcy.

Kate's party was fun. Apparently now I'm hanging out with Tyler over break, which hopefully won't be awkward. I might call you tomorrow, just to get in a good conversation before you take off to New York.

I still have to buy my parents' gifts. I think Kels and I are running out to Target soon. Right now she's making cookies for her boyfriend. I love the smell of cookies. It's Christmas Eve!

Well, sorry if this was a quick/jittery/non coherent post. And sorry I haven't been on lately. Any chance you can check it in New York?
Well, Have a Lovely Christmas, sista.

P.S. Sarah has this huge book of lists. We got addicted and couldn't stop reading them. Did you know lard is the fattiest food? Or that JFK smoked marijuana? Or that tulips really have little cities in them? All of those are true according to the Book of Lists, well except for that last one.


audreyandabby said...

JFK was a crazy man, and I always knew it. By the sound of it, somebody's dog ate a large quantity of chocolate. Don't worry. I left out a huge Crunch bar at my friend's house and her little dog annihilated it, but she's okay! And i was really excited about those tulip cities. I think we might need to create one? Or check inside of every tulip we see?

saandandi said...

ah, yes! morgie is fine, sorry that i forgot to address that in my last post.