Monday, December 10, 2007


Dad's making curry lima beans for dinner tonight-this should be interesting. Then again, curry can make ANYTHING taste good. I love it so much. And I like the texture of lima beans, like the smooth Barbie shoes that were so nice to chew on.

Today was eh. It wasn't great, but not terrible either. Music class was quiet. I felt like a loner because I just sat by myself and played. At the same time, though, it felt nice. I played all the songs we played second semester last year. All the drummers were playing really loud so like no one else could hear me. It felt comforting, like being in a musical cocoon. I really miss being in a full orchestra. Nothing can compare with that, when you are utterly surrounded by music, in and out. There'd be times where my mind would just shut down and I would play in the group, and when I came to, it was just awesome that my brain and fingers could do that work without me. It's like music took me over and disposed of my brain. I think because there's just some things your conscious can't do for you. Like, in Hungarian Dance, there's this really fast part and if I think about it, I mess up. But if I just let go consciously, my fingers know what to do. Also, when I'm learning and playing music, and actually focusing on it, it's like a meditation where everything else is just kind of shut out. Kind of like when you're sketching and utterly focused on that. I can't believe I was going to give up music if I had stayed at Pike. I think seeing August Rush made me want to play my whole life. It's just mm, soothing. I want to get better now.

Well, I really have to do English and I can't think of anything else to talk about, my day was pretty uneventful. Cyanara!

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