Monday, December 3, 2007

Spaghetti in the Eye

I can't find my gingerbread house. As I was looking for it, I opened a cabinet and a box of angel hair spaghetti flew out and hit me in the eye. Let me say angel hair spaghetti is not so angelic in a box.

MM, just found the house.

My sister just interviewed for a job downtown. I really hope she gets it

But that movie-It made me really want to know more about why that war is still going on. Are there people, like senators or congressmen we can write to that have any chance of making a difference? I need to look this up...
When I got home on Friday, I leaned against my mom and all of a sudden I couldn't stop crying. I just couldn't stop thinking about those kids that had to kill their own mom. Ugh. It's sick. But seriously, let's make as much of a difference as we can, and have faith that what we're doing can actually make something of a difference. After all, Herron wasn't built in a day. (I like that better than Rome's version. Shout out to last year's yearbook) And right now, let's do our best to love everyone here, cause we're all going the same way and we might as well make our lives on earth meaningful, full, loving, eh, let's spread the love, right?
Well, that was a bit incoherent. Ozzy Ozbourne=me. haha.

I'm excited for life. You ever get that feeling that wherever you're going, it's gonna be awesome? I really love Herron. I wake up excited each day now. The people are all so wonderful, something fun always happens.

Some firemen just showed up. They're doing random smoke alarm blitzes. New smoke alarms for us! haha. Luckily we didn't have a fire. People can be so nice. I love firemen. Ever hear about how they saved my dad's life?

Can we have an Invisible Children weekend sometime? We could do tons of fund-raising stuff.

Well, I really need to study for Latin, and maybe think about doing that APUSH paper. I really want time to read, too. I miss elementary school when reading each day was required. Remember DEAR? (Drop Everything And Read) Those were fun.

Also, sorry I neglected to write in here this weekend.

I forgot about the list:
1. Christmas (of course)
2. Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve-I love it. There are tons of candles, the most beautiful, quiet decorations. Everything is cozy and at this mass it's usually all the church people I know and its just very ethereal. I love my church
3. Kate's Party-I can't wait to see what her parents have arranged, though I'll feel a little guilty because of all the people in the world that don't even have parents, let alone ones that'll throw them parties like that. Let's make ours really casual, is that okay?
4. New Year's Eve- Sadaka New Years are the best. Also, Dec 22nd is the Stricker Family Christmas-aka my favorite annual party. Awesome German food. All my cousins. Presents. And non-stop laughing.

New list topic: 4 cliche things you hope to experience in life

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