Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is it Boys, This is War!

Today was awesome! I can't believe it snowed so much. Ah, it was so beautiful though when I woke up. I also got some sweet pictures for my sketchbook. And not one, but two snowball fights. Can life get any sweeter? Oh man, I was so cold by the time I got home though. There was snow all down my shirt and my socks were soaked through leaving my feet to freeze, but I didn't really care. I will probably wake up with a cold tomorrow too, haha. It wasn't really that bad though. Ah, we should definantly do this again. Seriously.

Today seemed quite hilarious for some odd reason that I can't quite put my finger on. I wonder why? Maybe people were in just a good mood because of the snow. Except for that fight of course, which I think it's really dumb when people fight. Man, Mr Harris is a beast though, did you see him break that thing up? But still, fighting and volience is stupid. One of the many reasons as to why I came to Herron is that there is just too much stupid drama at public schools.

Blogging is slowly becoming more and more addicting. I think that I spent almost two hours on here last night. At least I didn't have any homework to do really, but tonight I do so hopefully I won't get too sucked in. I probably will though. Haha, I love how we just start reading our blogs at school when we get bored. A very productive use of our time if I do say so myself.

Oh, Friday is an ok go! I talked to my mom and she's fine with it as long as I don't get home too late in the evening. I'm excited, I can't wait to see the new library. It's going to be amazing I bet.

I was somewhat disappointed by the fact that Abby failed to get back to school on time. I was so looking forward to that chocolate milk shake and fries. Oh well, I'll get over it, haha. Taco Bell is still on my mind, I can almost smell it. I am food obsessed. Actually, I'd say that both of us are. And the fact that there's a bunch of restraunts around our school does not help at all.

Oh Sa, bring your blanket tomorrow so we'll have it for invisible children! You should have Abby wear it so that it will smell like her.

new list should be favorite Sa and Andi blast from the past moments:
1. that field trip we took to the benjamin harrison home
2. going to darcy's that one time and playing truth or dare on that church bus
3. that one sleepover we had where we made the grills and worked on our own yearbook thingy
4. this is actually a tie but they both involve swing dancing: when you danced with that old man, and when we went duckpin bowling and felt super over dressed because we were all dolled up for dancing and those, posibly drunk guys hit on us, creepy but it makes a good story.

1 comment:

Lydia and Callie said...

Those duck pen bowling men were creepy, super creepy. gah.
can't believe i missed most of those snowball fights. im jealous. I tried to start one with my brother when we took the trast to the shed but he just looked at me and was like what are you doing. i mean what is this?? he is ten, that is like prime snow ball age!