Friday, December 7, 2007

Library Love

Ah, today was a good day. Two hour delay! It was awesome, even though I didn't get that much sleep because my sister woke me up when she left. I really want to see the rest of transformers now, haha. Maybe after the winter formal?

Hm, i still have to see about going to Abby's tomorrow, but she has to call me back tomorrow about it. My mom is still kinda iffy about it though. I really hope i can go, but I'm doubtful, and even if I do they probably won't be too happy, so I'd have to be on my best behavior for the rest of the weekend and possibly the rest of the week to keep them pacified. Why must parents be so strict? Sometimes I look forward to being able to drive myself places.

The Library was awesome! Thanks so much for taking me Sara. My tastebuds are still burnt from that coffee though. I loved the kid's section especially, it was sooooo cool! Definantly beats Taco Bell. We should hang out there after school, and sit in those comfy pod chairs. The veiw from the top floor was amazing too. Ah, it was just so amazing.

Hm, well I should probably work on my independent project now...

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