Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry

The Reunion

My computer even remembered your email address login. Fate. I didn't know you wrote blogs over summer. This is weird going back and reading it all. Some of ours are pretty boring, not gonna lie. haha. Maybe our lives are just boring? Only not, we're awesome.

Maybe I'll play First Day of my Life for you. Only I'll sing it of course off tune. So maybe it's not a good idea, maybe it could ruin the song for you. Glory sakes alive that should never happen. But I agree it's extremely adorable and just *ah*.

I felt out of it today, at least in the afternoon. Very blah. and my hair's wet, so I'm like a repeat of your yesterday self.

I felt better when I went running with Sarah, though. It was pouring rain, and dark fell while we were out. Running in the rain at night is exhilarating and it made me feel so free.

Now I'm kind of back to blahness.

Military=me either. I can't even imagine killing someone. They're soft and squishy, and just like me. oh my I still can't imagine it. I can't get past the thought of a squishy stomach. Not sure why the squishy stomach is what keeps me from it. Maybe I could kill someone with rock-hard abs? I hope not.


Winter stuff= oh, so happy. though the cold=I could do without a la moment.

CDs = Score! I have the new Weepies one waiting. Oh how I adore them.

Me= Terrible blogger. I'm sorry? I just really feel like I have nothing to say. Nothing unboring. I think I might go to sleep. It's 9 0'clock and an early bedtime would be wonderful again. Remember at the beginning of the year where I couldn't sleep? Now it's like the opposite. That no-sleeping phase was the weirdest thing ever. I just felt really buzzy all the time and amazing and I liked it. It felt like my life was building up to something fantastic. The result was really anti-climatic, I must say.


audreyandabby said...

I really am excited to see Youseff in the paper. I think this will be one of the stories I tell my kids when they say they are too old to decorate turkeys. And then, they'll submit one by Youseff, too, but there will be quite a delimma when both of your children submit turkeys with the same name. Can you imagine all the vicorious Youseffs?

saandandi said...

ha, it would bring joy to my heart.
can you please just name all of your children Yuseff?

saandandi said...

Youseff will live forevah!