Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Get up, Stand up

Not crying doesn't make you bad. I love the feeling after a good cry, though. Why is it that letting water run out of your eyes can relieve emotion? There was an article about in National Geographic awhile ago. I wish I had read it. Apparently we're like the only species that cries to show emotion. Sometimes, though, it's just so hard to cry, even when you feel like you should and it makes you feel guilty.When my grandpa died, though, I couldn't cry when everyone else did. Instead I went on a walk by myself in my grandma's neighborhood and I just lay down in the softest grass, in the shade of a bush in some person's yard. It was the most comforting thing I could do. Later that day, my sister and I just lay in my grandma's yard, staring into the sky.

Yeah, I could barely hear anything you guys were saying. I think my mom thought I was depressed because I wasn't joining in on your conversation at all. haha.

I was looking up Andrew Jackson quotes earlier for my paper (Yes, I actually did a little research, though definitely not enough). I realized slowly that they probably weren't the most reliable quotes. What really made me realize they weren't was this one:“If a warden sees cigarette litter being thrown from a car, they will take the number and trace the owner to send them a fine.”
Cigarette litter in Jackson's time? Or for that matter, a car??. C'mon, ThinkExist.com. Get it right.

And with the cliches, I kind of meant like movie-type things like "live in a house with a white picket fence" or "meet the man of my dreams" but I guess your way works okay, too.

Here's mine, your style:
Okay, your way is too hard. I even tried looking up cliches on the internet and i found this funny thing: Death Euphemisms
Playing harp duets with Hoffa.
Gone to a better place.
Dirt Nap Hotel.

So Here's my list, my style:
1. Eating chocolate/cookie dough/ ice cream after a break-up-It just sounds so guiltily good and yummy
2. Getting an acceptance letter to my dream college -Who doesn't want that??
3. Slow dancing in a living room to 40's-era music-Just sounds peaceful, happy
4. Getting tons of flowers-I love that scene in Big Fish when he puts all those daffodils outside her window. Big Fish is such a good movie, by the way, I want to rewatch it soon.

I'm adding a fifth one because it goes without saying
5. a road trip!


Lydia and Callie said...

lets go on a road trip sara swan. like now. i'm seriously about to go take goldy and pick you up. pack some clothes and some bread and jam, thats all we'll need.

saandandi said...

let's do it. seriously.

saandandi said...

oh wait, we'll need cheese and peanut butter too.
but of course we have a good supply of that here.
we're good.
lets go.

Lydia and Callie said...

yepp pulling out of the driveway now, going to grab the boogy boards though, they are fun water toys that can also double as weapons to guard against attack.

saandandi said...

ready to head bang and live strange?