Monday, December 3, 2007


That is how I would describe Abby's hat. I wore it all night last night in fact, that is until I took it off right before I turned out the lights and went to bed, haha. Oh man, but it smells sooooooo good!!! Why does Abby and her stuff smell so good? Is this obsession with how her hat(stuff) smells a bit unhealthy? Probably. Do I care? Most likely not. Actually, I think Lydia has her hat now. I hope she remembers to bring it back to school tomorrow so Abs can get her hat back. I think my hair might be starting to smell like Abby's hat though, especially since I've pretty much worn it non-stop out of school these past two days, that is until Lydia took it. If Abby could bottle up her scent and sell it then I would probably buy it.

Man, I feel kind of bad now. I was the only one who didn't cry over that movie. Am I a bad person Sara? I hope not, I mean I really do care about those kids, it's just that well, I suppose crying just isn't really something I do? If that even makes any sense. Sometimes I just confuse my self. Oh man. I really do believe that we can help these kids and that by spreading the messsage to the rest of our school we can help promote awareness to this trajedy. I really screwed up that spelling didn't I? But still, I have faith that we can make a difference. I really think that that movie screening will help as well. Seeing something is sometimes a lot more influencial then hearing or reading about it. I suppose humans are a very visual race. We just seem to connect to images really well.

I don't know if you heard anything we were saying in the back seat of your car Sara, but Lydia was telling me that apparently the ex still likes me. Should I be a bit worried? I don't know. I hope it doesn't complicate anything though, although I don't see how I would, but still I guess there is still a bit of concern there. Ask me about it sometime tomorrow and I can fill you in on all the details.

Oh Ms. Koehring, haha. I swear, the teachers are the busy bodies in this school. They know everyone's business, and when they don't they make their job to find out. Our little conversations with her in yearbook will probably be the subject of discussion at the teacher lunch table tomorrow. I can't believe they gossip so much about the students though. Do they have no life outside of school? Ah, I didn't mean for that to sound mean. I'm sure they do though. I guess that since this other stuff is just more relevant to us, then perhaps we notice it more? Hmmm.

Ah, how I loved our quest for that kid to find out whether or not he was smoking. Quite the adventure, haha. Highly suspicious I'll say, plus you could smell the smoke. I kind of wish that Audrey had taken a picture with her "say cheese!" camera. Haha, I never knew camera phones did that. It would have been hilarious if we did get a picture. We should go on more adventures, they're so much fun. I still really want to explore our school's attic. My mind always toys with the idea whenever I see the door to that mysterious room.

Okay so for my cliches, at least i think that they are cliches:
1. take a walk in someone else's shoes-i want to walk in Abby's mocasines(sp?) because a) they look comfy, and b) i have already absconded her hat so i might as well just take the rest of her clothes to complete the outfit.
2. Dream Big-I suppose I already do this, I mean I space out all the time and get lost in my own little world ha
3. Nothing is Impossible-I have always dreamed of being able to fly...
4. You are what you eat-it would be pretty funny if people turned into the food they ate, but then again, I'd probably be devored alive, so....maybe not?


audreyandabby said...

What is this? Stealing my clothes? You have no idea how happy it makes me that I smell so good. Seriously. Yeahyeah!

Lydia and Callie said...

I'm smelling that hat right now. ahh bliss.