Friday, November 23, 2007

Brand New

I must say that I'm feeling quite festive at the moment. My family has started our annual task of putting up all of the Christmas decore. So far we have put up the trees and I got some lights put up in my room. Not to mention the holiday music that has been playing all day. I absolutly adore the holiday season, i mean how could you not? Every one is typically in such good spirits and concerned about about doing the right thing. Although I guess it would be nice if every month was like this, on the other hand I feel that it makes this time of year a little extra special.

Speaking of the holidays, I finally got the Secret Santa stuff sent out with the help of dear Alex, haha. So you should have your person now. I'm not sure about the date yet, however i'm going to try and talk to everyone else about it this weekend or something.

My Thanksgiving was pretty good. It was just my parents and sister but I still enjoyed it. I was kinda dissapointed that Yusef Hauss did not get his turkey displayed but an honorable mention is good. I love how you used my "Big Drea T" nickname in your blog title. It kinda makes me sound like a gangsta or something, haha.

Ah! Guess what!!! Okay, so I told you that my camera was broken right? Well, we had sent it in a few weeks ago to get fixed. Apparently there was some sort of warrenty or something that said the camera company would fix it for free. Well, I finally got my camera back today, except, they gave me a new one! I think this new camera is of better quality too which is awesome. It seems that they didn't have enough stuff availible to fix my old camera or something, so they just sent me a new one. My sister and I were so excited. She even said "thanks for breaking the camera Andrea." I did not break it, it broke on it's own. Even so, this new camera is pretty spiffy so I guess it kinda was a good thing that the old camera broke(on its own!).

Leaf Raking tomorrow!! I'm so excited, this is going to be so much fun. Call me about when i should come over and stuff. Oh, also should I bring my own rake and bags? And we should probably get some information to give to the people who we'll be raking leaves for. Maybe print out some sort of informational sheet? Lots to think about, haha. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then! I'll be counting the minutes, haha. Or maybe not, I'm not that lacking in a life, although I am still quite excited about it. Also, your turn to come up with a list Sa!

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