Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hooper and his Effect on my life. Part One

Ah your date sounded sweet. However, you never called me like we agreed upon. I waited up by my phone like the mother that you know I am to you. haha. To make up for this failure to call, you must give me more details. And possibly chocolate.

So yesterday, I had my first driving lesson. I was pretty nervous, but I didn't crash! Driving is still scary though. I dont know, I think seeing Hooper die scarred me. Good old stereotypical Hooper. His last sentence still haunts me ("That's my favorite hill!") haha Driver's Ed. movies basically made that class bearable.

After my driving lesson, I went to Sarahs. WE played Scrabble and watched Betty Boop. Then, we went to this Civil War exhibit thing at the Zionsville museum so she could get extra credit for a class. She made me try on this corset there, It barely fit. Some woman laughed at that. I don't know why. Then, we went to Broadripple. The only thing I bought was this bag of random stuff at B-ripple Vintage that Sarah and I split (actually she still owes me 5 dollars! hhmm). Some of it was odd stuff, like a finger nail I'm sure fell off of a sales person hand as they made the bags. And a gross keychain that said "Windsor Canadians love Calif". I hid some of that stuff around Sarahs room when she wasn't looking, as a nice, gross surprise. haha. We had a lot of left overs of stuff we didn't particularly want. (Get excited for random gifts tomorrow!)

Then I had a harvest festival thing at church, but the youth group ended up having to work. But at least there was really good food, like these amazingly soft rolls.

Sarah and I watched Pretty in Pink that evening (A good movie, but an annoying ending). Today was filled with church, my grandma's (I was really disappointed cause neither Katie nor Darcy could go, i haven't seen them in at least a month), reading, doing some homework, staring off into space thinking about how i should be doing more homework, like that sketchbook, and various other lollygagging pursuits.

I keep getting excited for school tomorrow. Except that we don't have homeroom, and that our lunch got moved to third lunch. bleh.

So Here's my list of characters I wish I could be, a la aud&abbs blog:

1. Princess Buttercup- who wouldn't want to marry Wesley???
2. Pam- She gets to experience Dwight's funniness without actually being him. Plus, shes dating Jim, aka hot stuff.
3. Ginny Weasley-Just being able to go to Hogwarts would be awesome
4. Athos, from 3 Musketeers- the epitome of cool, well, old-fashioned cool

Gah I just remember Disco Stu from the Simpsons!! Oh man he would be awesome to be...

ps- I just remembered this. Well, when the new library opens Lydia, Andrea, and me will probably start going there some days after school to get a ride home w/ mi madre. we should have library parties/ study sessions

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