Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh man, i feel so bad for that girl...That's terrible. I hope she's okay.

On a brighter not though, do you know if Katie can shadow yet? Gah, i love shadows. It was awesome having lauren shadow us today. I'm glad that she liked Herron. When I talked to her earlier this week she seemed like she wasn't really planning of going to Herron, she just wanted to see what or school was like or something but when i talked to her in drawing, she was like "i really like this school." Apparently she thinks pike is a bit big so she's looking at going to a smaller school, sooo.....she may consider coming here next year? Not quite sure, but she said she liked it and that every one was nice, so that's a plus.

So art club was pretty fun today. Lydia and I are doing pretty well on our mural, special thanks to lauren, haha. And LEAP-FROG!!! I swear, sometimes our school reminds me of elementary school. It's like a bunch of highschoolers reliving their childhood. Our little stop at target was pretty amusing as well, but who knew cat liter was soooo heavy?? Gah, all that for two little cats? not trying to be mean or anything sa, it's just so heavy! Those coconut samples were quite tasty as well....Hmm, that reminds me, i need to see if i can get some cereal for friday. I should prolly study for APUSH as well, so this must be goodnight!

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