Saturday, November 10, 2007


Yesterday was certainly interesting….

It all began in art where Abby and I got to work on gessoing(sp??) the boards for art club…or are we calling it NASA now? I have no idea. Anyways, that was fun, despite the fact that I got gesso all over my mouth and on my teeth. Don’t ever eat gesso, it tastes pretty bad. I sure hope that stuff isn’t toxic, or I could be in trouble…I starting to think Herron might be haunted. First the paper towel dispenser goes off on it’s own in homeroom and then today Abby and I were hearing odd shuffling noises around the room and what sounded like something dropping while we were painting. I wonder if the ghost lives in the attic. I really want to see this fabled attic. We caught a brief glimpse of it yesterday, and I’m quite intrigued. Our gessoing was later followed by a game of leapfrog in the middle of the second floor corridor when no one was looking, except maybe the ghost…

Then HOMEROOM PARTY!! Total awesomeness, the food was ah-mazing! Sa, those breads were quite divine, if I do say so myself. Ah, all the food was tasty…

Homeroom, was then followed by seminar and Abby’s quest for pants, haha. That was a hilarious adventure. Mr. Hurst looked at us as if we were insane, which we probably are, when Abby came into his class to get Elizabeth’s jeans. After that we swing danced, I think we’re definantly getting better, no major injuries this time lol. I hope to become a swing-dancing master by the end of the year. I think that is my current goal. Oh, and speaking of goals we could probably put that on our goal calendars for health Sa, along with trick-or-treating haha. I’m so serious.

Then, finally came the date. It was pretty fun. We pretty much just wandered around the mall for two hours and then went to see Bee Movie. How do I even begin to describe this movie? There were a few comical parts, but it was so weird. I just can’t explain how odd it was. It was really sweet though, my date help my hand pretty much the whole time and he was so nice to me. I couldn’t believe it, I mean I don’t really recalled anyone being so nice to me, haha oh wow that sounds really bad actually, but I don’t know. I just felt so odd/shocked. Man, this whole experience has pretty much put me in shock I think. I don’t know what to think. Gah, I’m so indecisive. I’ve noticed that I question myself a lot. Not sure why, but that’s how it works out I guess. What am I saying?! Babble, babble, babble….Well anyway the evening was nice. Except that movie pretty much drained all my energy and I felt like a total zombie afterwards. We got some starbucks and I was hoping that would wake me up but it did absolutely nothing. * sigh * Anyways, I was pretty tired when I got home. I got some cds from the library though, and pretty much listened to Abby’s mix she mad me that night. It was really good. I haven’t finished though, there are still like 2 and a half cds left for me to listen too. Longest mix ever! Haha.

Life is insane....

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