Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am thankful for sunrises, dogs, sweet potatoes, and Big Drea T

Andrea I loved your last two posts. The first one because it promised a Christmas letter. I love your family's letters. Especially the last one we got that only mentioned how you just walk around with your ear buds in all the time. The second one because it was so sweet! Ah Andrea you're the greatest friend. I'll protect you from crazy ladies in cars.

So this morning, I woke up at 6:15, put on my coat and slippers, ignored the herd of pets begging for breakfast, unlocked the door, and stepped into a semi-darkness broken by my neighbor's motion-detecting light system and a faint yellow tinge on the horizon (either commercial lights or a sunrise-I like to think it was the sunrise). The air smelled so fresh, how it always does after a rain. I'm thankful for that smell too. I grabbed our newspaper and went into the house, trying to stay quiet and not wake up my family. Then I retreated into the bathroom (the pets couldn't bug me there. I felt like Ralphie when he decoded the Little Orphan Annie message). I pulled out the Indiana Living and looked at the turkeys. Unfortunately, Yusef Haas didn't make it. However, he did get a casual mention in the form of a casual list of types of turkeys they received. A patriotic one was definitely mentioned. Yusef Haas you're on the way to fame! After that, I went back to sleep, cleaned, worked on my independent project a little, and ATE! My mom made this amazing sweet potato dish. I usually don't like sweet potatoes but it was good. We also had this vegetarian dressing. Wow I love veggie food.

I'm excited for our leaf raking. Tomorrow I'm doing to Darcy's (Sadly the premiere got canceled). She and Laura are going shopping at 3 am tomorrow morning. haha. I think they just want the experience of it. That, and an excuse to stay up late.

Oh I found the Mulan mix! It just randomly showed up. I had to listen to it while I cleaned my room. Lydia does make awesome mixes.

We have three dogs here currently. Kelsey's dog-sitting one of her friend's dogs. It's a little crazy having three dogs at once beg for food. I can't stand that many puppy dog eyes. It's hard to resist (except the food's too good to give up haha). I agree that having an eating disorder would be way to hard. Well, except for binging. haha I could see doing that. haha Just kidding.

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