Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I. Am. Screwed.

Oh man, this relationship...I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. It's not that I don't like this person, I mean I could easily see being friends with them, it's just that I don't feel the same about them and it's really been bugging me. I want to end it, but i feel like a monster just thinking about it. I mean I hate hurting people and I would feel terrible, maybe even a little guilty, if I hurt this person, so it has been bugging me big time. Gah! What to do? And no I'm not going with the "disney channel approach" sorry, but he seems very unbothered by my akwardness so basically it wouldn't work. I feel so distressed right now. So that's pretty much what's on my mind. I do not like stressing out, and it's something i rarely do so when i do stress out it annoys me so much. Although, I guess I'm pretty at blocking it out which can be a good thing I suppose. My emotions are so weird, that's all I'm going to say right now.

Ah, Sa, those trash cookies were good. Haha, remember that time when we had mike dumpster dive? That was pretty amusing. Your cousins are amazing. Haha. I sometimes wish i had cousins like yours. All my cousins are only 7 or 8 or something like that. And the oldest is a year or two younger then me or something. I guess what i'm saying is that it can be kinda hard to relate to them, so whenever we stop by to visit them around Christmas I tend to stick with my sister mostly. At least I get along pretty well with my sis. Gah, honestly I love her so much! Of course, she always seems to greet me with and "ew, i don't want to hug you!/get away!" attitude, but still. Oh Al...is it me or is her name slowly getting shorter and shorter? Soon I may just be calling her 'little A' haha.

I'd have to agree with your distress over the fact that science tells us that our actions are primitively based. I guess some of it might be true but even if we recieved such urges based on these instincts, one would think that our society would be more wisened and able to tell right from wrong and make decisions based on our better judgement and not random instincts/urges.

Hm, well just to let you know, I'm really bad at coming up with what I want for christmas, I mean there's really isn't a lot that i want to be honest. But here it goes:
1. A docking station/speakers for my mp3
2. burt's bees (I'm almost out!! and I can't live without my precious burt's bees)
3. fingerless gloves
4. this colorful rib cage hoodie that matches my t-shirt (do i dress kinda emo sometimes? it feels like it, even though I am not emo)

P.S. I think you spelled "couch" wrong. it's a "u" not an "a." And I'm usually the one with the bad spelling....


audreyandabby said...

Ah, Ands, well, it all gets better. It always gets better, and it always gets worse, but we just have to keep reminding ourselves: It does get better. My friends will be here soon. Gah, life, life, life.

audreyandabby said...

You. Are. Never. Screwed.
Don't believe it.
Listen to encouraging words from friends, and everything will, as Abby says, get better. If nobody believed that, well, then, I would have given up on my art project long, long ago.