Monday, November 19, 2007


So that breathing problem is getting worse. I keep trying to take deep breaths and instead I feel like an oompa-loompa is sitting on my chest. I'm really worried that I'm making myself breathe weird through thinking I have a breathing problem. Isn't that weird how our minds can convince us we're sick when we really aren't? I've been breathing really weird all day. I really hope I didn't sound like a heavy-breathing man with onion breath and a beer belly. Definitely tell me if I do.

So Invisible Children was really interesting. I'm so excited for fund raising. I love this feeling when you find a way you can make a difference. It's like a jumping fire lizard in your chest. In a good way.
It's so weird I never knew about the war in Uganda. It's been going on for longer than I've been alive. This makes me feel odd in two ways. One, that a war has been going on longer than I've been living. I'm so young, yet twenty years is way too long. If people can become mature in 18 years, why can't a whole world find a solution to a problem in twenty? I guess war is more complicated than that though, no matter what Judy Blume may have us believe about growing up.
Two, that I didn't know there was a whole war going on. I feel like humans should all be connected more. I guess that's the wonderful thing about technology. It made the world a little smaller so that wars and mass murders cannot be kept hidden (well, I guess as far as we know, since if its hidden we wouldn't know about it).
Sometimes I think technology has made us too close though, like when we can't listen to our own consciences for answers. Do you think having our generation grow up this connected will make us a better world? Like, we could cooperate with people all over the world and learn about the ways other people live. I always found those books about how other children live really interesting. It's so odd when you go to a place where the culture is so different than ours. It's hard to wrap your mind around all the ways humans can be different, but I love it.
You know what makes my mind hurt every time I think about it? Learning Chinese. There's so many dialects, words, tonal differences, not to mention their written language looks so different from ours. I kind of want to learn it just to see if I could, though my mind might explode. My cousin Amanda has a friend that taught himself Mandarin Chinese. That impressed me so much.

So my cousin Charlie is now coming for Thanksgiving with two of his kids too. I still wish we were having a bigger Thanksgiving. I love family, especially my mom's side because I feel closer to them since almost all of them live in Indiana.

Well, I'm going beber agua. Hasta manana!

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