Monday, November 12, 2007

The Simmonator

That Richard Simmons exercise tape was awesome!!! We should do more of his tapes. Oh man, what if Richard Simmons had a blog? I wonder what he would write about.....probably rainbows and the butter that is the sun. Hmmm....

After that I had to walk home in the rainy darkness, all by my lonesome. It was actually fun. But kinda scary at the same time. I was kinda scared that some weirdo would try and abduct me. Or even more likely, that the crazy old lady would drive by and take me out. Especially since it was so dark she would probably swerve off the road just so she could finish the job. But besides my worries and suspicions, i made it home safe and sound, but my pants were soaked through so i was kinda cold.

Well, that was pretty much the highlight of my day, so i'm off to watch heroes now! And homeroom tomorrow! i always miss homeroome mondays. Well goodnight all

1 comment:

audreyandabby said...

Ahah, so we will be meeting your Richard Simmon's friend tomorrow. ART CLUB TOMORROW!

Also, no I do not shower everyday. I don't understand why people do, aha.