Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey Hey You You, I Don't Like Your BOYFRIEND!!

....hmm, bit of a lame title but it was the last thing i heard on the office, Kelly singing that is.

Well, i have yet to try that funky chicken song. Usually i just put on some music when i need a boost of energy. That or i will just eat a bunch of chocolate covered espresso beans. They usually make me hyper, even though it's probably just pshycological. (did i even spell that right? probably not *whisper whisper* haha). Man, i swear those things are so incredibly addicting! I could really use a box of those in Mr. Crawley's class though. Honestly, i don't think that lunch switch did anything to change his lessons. I still feel drained when i leave that class.

Not much, going on with me either today. But i'm so phsyced(once again, spelling?) for our party. Mr Hurst thinks he can beat our homeroom but i say: He's. Going. Dooooooown! Haha.

As for favorite songs, this is a toughie, there are so many i like!(no particular order either)
1. Broad Ripple is Burning-Margo and the Nuclear So and Sos (thanks for the mix abs!)
2. Calm Before the Storm-Fall Out Boy(their old stuff before they became mainstream is the best! gah, i love patrick's voice haha)
3. U Owe Me and IOU-Hot Hot Heat, love this band's music!
4. A Whole New World-Aladin, just one of the many disney songs i adore

like i said, i don't exactly have favorite songs but these are just a few of the ones i really adore.

1 comment:

audreyandabby said...

You guys are really lacking. Keeping a blog means keeping the maintenince. Ahaha, just kidding. Thanks for showing up to Invisible Children, really. I can't wait. :]