Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silly Games

Okay so i felt so sad this morning. Why? that's what i'd like to know but i, sadly, do not have that answer. What is wrong with my emotions today? i swear, they are off or something. I start the day off depressed and then become elated durring the rest of the school day to feeling annoyed at the end of my day. Gah! whyyyyy?

Man, i'm so excited about our turkey project though in homeroom, haha. I hope we win!!! It would be kinda akward if they called the school asking for the entry though. Oh man....We better win though! Our turkey is going to be awesome, i just know it. Unless something goes horribly wrong, man, i hope not! Haha, okay think positive.

So seminar was a blast. My swing dancing skills have definantly improved. We are going to dominate those dance floors next time. That adult swing dancing club will have no idea what hit them! take that, floor hogs. Oh wow, a bit competitive? i think not....As far as competitive goes though, you were really getting into that game Sa! I could just see the determination to win in your face. It was actually kinda red now that i reflect back upon it and that fatefull moment when you were hit with the bamboozle. Or maybe my brain is just photoshopping the redness onto your face. Haha, how is that even possible, although with my imagination i guess pretty much anything is possible at times.

I'm so excited for tomorrow when lauren shadows!!! it's going to be awesome! Well i have lines to memorize now. See you tomorrow

1 comment:

audreyandabby said...

It's three AM, and I'm still awake. What is my life?
Anyways, I got a 409 on Scrabble today. 4-0-9
Bethcha can't do it like me.
That's my all time high score!
ANYWAYS, tomorrow will be fun, see you then.
ALSO, if you ever need cheering up, ya know who to call. :]
I actually like swing dancing because we are getting better. I felt so stupid before, ahaha. I had no idea what I was doing. It's exciting now, ahah.