Monday, November 26, 2007

What If...

Have you ever wondered what if would be like if gravity were to suddenly reverse and we would them be pulled to ceilings of our houses? What would it be like? How would we get around our homes and reach the food? haha, of course I wonder about how I'll be able to eat. Seriously though, haven't you ever wondered about that? I know I do. Especially when I'm lying on my back in the living room. It probably applies to the living room specifically because the ceiling in there is so high. I think I've even figured out how to get to all of the rooms in my house though if such an event were ever to occur. Actually, I swear I read about something like this happening in a book. I think it might have been a scene in The Patchwork Girl of Oz or something like that.

Pumpkin stuff is amazing. My parents seem to buy a lot of stuff with pumpking seasoning/flavoring in it. Today I had this pumpking bread that we got from Target, and it was so amazingly delicious! Those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are especially tasty. Why does everything with pumpkin taste so good though? I suppose i should just accept it and enjoy all the yummy pumpkin flavored food that i come across. Hmmm, my mind seems to be in some sort of food mindset at the moment. I do love food though. What would my life be without it. Have I said this before? Perhaps my mind is just going in circles today. It's quite possible I suppose.

I wish it would snow. That would be amazing. It just keeps raining though. I actually like the rain but since it's getting into the holiday season, snow would be quite appropriate. What if they played christmas/holiday music over the intercom at school durring passing periods? That would be pretty awesome. I love Christmas carols, although sadly I cannot sing. Which I suppose can be a bit of a problem at times seeing as how I like to sing but do not have a voice for it. Oh well. Haha, I love listening to Travis sing though. Oh man, i sooo hope that he sings songs from Mulan tomorrow. That would make my day. Possibly even my life...Oh Travis, haha. We must remember to bug him about that tomorrow.

Well, I have that history chapter to read although I'm really not in the mood for doing school work. Personally, I find that I rarely learn anything, actually maybe i should say remember, anything from our history textbook. I mean, could you pick a more dull textbook? Or even a duller subject at that. I mean, basically all that American history is is a bunch of white guys who fight each other, start wars, debate about dull politics, and get into the occational, and perhaps insane, duel. Okay so characters like the crazed Andrew Jackson are somewhat hilarious and comical to learn about. But other then that, I don't see what is so great about American history. What can i say, learning about politics and war just doesn't do it for me.

Speaking of war, well, I just don't get war. I mean, what's the point? So you have a bunch of people go out and fight other people. But honesty, does it really accomplish anything? In the end, one side just ends ups slaughtering the other until the losing side can't go on anymore or afford to keep supplying their armies. And how does this resolve anything? I mean, i don't think that going over to another country and killing a bunch of people through show of brutal force is the right way to go about solving your issues. Why can't people just talk about it? I guess all these guys who run our country are just to thick to consider that diplomatic relationships might actually bring about some good. When one country or group of people decides to deal with an issue through brute force you would think that it would do more harm then actual good. Wouldn't it just tick off this other country more and further push the stress going on between these two countries? Maybe I'm just rambling. I imagine that my little rant is probably a bit confussing to you too. Did i even spell "confussing" right?

Why does it feel like all I do is question myself somedays Sa? Hm, maybe I should just go and get some rest for my weary mind. Or finish my homework, yipee.


audreyandabby said...

Ah, Ands. That is all I do anymore. Questions, questions, questions. It's like I have no idea about anything. It'll get better though. It has too. Hope you are having a good night, and I hope you get this, NO INVISIBLE CHILDREN MEETING TOMORROW!

audreyandabby said...

I think I would quite enjoy floating to my ceiling. We have high ceilings, too, so I think I could go pretty far. There would have to be music playing, though, to complete it. My mind is playing something bubbly...what would a good "I'm-floating-at-the-top-of-my-living-room" song be? So many to choose from.